but isn't his son him? how can you say he sent himself? and if you can say that, why did he send himself, isn't he everywhere already?

but isn't his son him? how can you say he sent himself? and if you can say that, why did he send himself, isn't he everywhere already?
The atheist community is full of racists and other type of bigots
He sent his Son. It is up to us individually to accept him. We have the free will to make that choice.
this is not internally valid.
the avi and commentary comboYou have to be a special kind of stupid to make this talking point given that historically the christian church were one of the prime groups that opposed black people, spouting that we are satanic and unclean via the curse of Ham. In many slavery circles, they used the Bible to justify slavery.
You are ignorant. Please don't bother responding to this point, because I don't argue with people like you.
You have to be a special kind of stupid to make this talking point given that historically the christian church were one of the prime groups that opposed black people, spouting that we are satanic and unclean via the curse of Ham. In many slavery circles, they used the Bible to justify slavery.
You are ignorant. Please don't bother responding to this point, because I don't argue with people like you.
Please tell me you hate the Dallas cowboys, love Japanese anime and are really a female? lol
400 years later fam? why did it take 400 years? A better question is why did they do it in the first place? also one of the first slaves ships to come to america was called the GOOD SHIP OF JESUS