We're on a message board. Its open season on religious thinking.I've met some Atheists who thought it was their personal mission to attack each and every religious person they encountered. Even if it was completely irrelevant to the situation.
Jesus gave that work to the religious leaders because they were not understanding the heart of the law. Praying for everyone to hear them. Thing about it was they were some of the wisest elders. The smartest usually are the ones to denounce religion the fastest. The same people Jesus rebuked.
They do, but you're just going to ignore that tooJust stating a fact. Hindus don't have creation, Greek myth didn't have creation and so on and so on. Not arrogance just honesty.
Word?It's been awhile since Jesus was talked about so much. I love it.
My current girlfriend is an Atheist and most of my girlfriends in the past have either been Atheist, Agnostic, or UU.
You're just too scared to live your life without a god and you'd be better off admitting it then rationalizing something you dont believe inMy current girlfriend is an Atheist and most of my girlfriends in the past have either been Atheist, Agnostic, or UU. While I identify myself as a Christan and religious, I can't get down with group think, herd mentality, hatred, legislature guided by religious beliefs, and a whole slew of other things. Church is awkward for me because I feel as if some people need it in order to feel as if they're worshiping correctly, or to get comfort from hearing their own ideas regurgitated. I can walk in a sea of Atheists and not bat an eye, they literally don't bother me. But a group of religious folk gathered around spouting nonsense and each of them mindlessly agreeing is nauseating and scary to me. On the flip side, some of the biggest, most close minded, jerks I've met in my entire life have been Atheists. But just as I know a single person doesn't speak for all religious people, I feel the same for Atheists.
I respect your beliefs, and I'll listen to them, but if your logic needs to start attacking other ideas in order to establish itself, then we're gonna have problems. I'll correct Christians who'll sit around bashing Muslims, Atheists, Jewish folk, etc. with the quickness. There's no place for that. Live your life by your own rules, respect the fact that you want that ability, and do the same for others.
When I chill with my Atheist friends, and it'll come up and I say, 'I'm religious...', they always stop me and say, 'We know you believe in God, but you're NOT that religious.' I don't know exactly how to take it, but I feel they mean it as a compliment. My friends and I openly speak about theology, it always ends pleasantly, and we feel closer and more honest with one another after having done so.
You're just too scared to live your life without a god and you'd be better off admitting it then rationalizing something you dont believe in
Whats your reason for believing?Trust me. Living without a god doesn't scare me. But I can see where you're coming from. I've heard this argument before. I respect the opinion.
Growing up in a house with people that dont believe in God is one of the worst upbringings a child can endure.
trust me breh the atheist community is even worse and im a non christian
People label folks who don't adhere to a particular religion as atheist too much though.
Does anybody note the fact that Moses, Jesus and Muhammad all went to caves in the desert where they prayed and fasted for 40 days; During their sojourn each experienced hallucinations and encounters with angels. I'm just saying.