Mr. Somebody
Friend Of A Friend
Has the markings of a good show.
religious c00n? what's funny is some of these atheists talking about 'white Jesus' and how Christianity came from the white man when their form of atheism is directly from the white man. I didn't know Dawkins, Bill Maher, Karl Marx or any of these other prominent atheists that are constantly parroted around here were black. Oh wait, they weren't.
Care to show me any african 'atheist civilizations'? Care to show many any long-lasting atheist civilization in the first place?
Burden of proof, mental midget.I see many e-atheists constantly regurgitating their opinions and philosophies, while championing themselves as some sort of independent, critical thinker. I see atheists constantly crying for proof of this and that, yet I don't see them providing any proof of any great atheist civilization nor do I see them showing any proof of a 'creatorless existence'.
The scriptures Jesus fulfilled meant he had to be on earth at a specific time. People have been doing their own thing for a long time. More free will. Wars. It was known in advance what the world would become:
Nietzsche predicted that the twentieth century man would come of age. By this he meant that the atheist of the twentieth century would realize the consequences of living in a world without God, for without God there are no absolute moral values. Man is free to play God and create his own morality. Because of this, prophesied Nietzsche, the twentieth century would be the bloodiest century in human history. [Reference 8]. Still, Nietzsche was optimistic, for man could create his own meaning, truth, and morality. Set free from belief in a non-existent God, man could excel like never before. Nietzsche viewed the changes that would occur as man becoming more than man (the superman or overman), rather than man becoming less than man.
Nietzsche was the forerunner of postmodernism. A key aspect of modernism was its confidence that, through reason, man could find absolute truth and morality. Postmodernism rejects this confidence in human reason. All claims to having found absolute truth and morality are viewed by postmodernists as mere creations of the human mind. [Reference 9]. The history of the twentieth century has proven Nietzsche's basic thesis correct. Western culture's abandonment of the Christian world view has led to a denial of both universal truth and absolute moral values. The twentieth century has proven to be the bloodiest century in human history. [Reference 10]. Hence, the Christian thinker must object to the optimism of Nietzsche. The death of God is not a step forward for man; it is a step backward—a dangerous step backward. If God is dead, then man is dead as well.
The universe has stars2nd law states the universe is running out of usable energy (not infinite).
The universe has stars
Unless they are the wrong classYes and when stars run out of juice they go supernova.
Unless they are the wrong class
Size classWhich class would that be?
Size class
Not All stars end up as supernovae (white dwarfs, neutron stars, black holes, red giants etc...)
Size class
Not All stars end up as supernovae (white dwarfs, neutron stars, black holes, red giants etc...)