lolWhy would I be mad at something I don't believe in? or has no proof to support it?
lolWhy would I be mad at something I don't believe in? or has no proof to support it?
Name a atheist organization that, enslaved, raped, and lynched black people
Now name a religion that has done those things
u da real mvpExistence is not logical.
If we were designed or created, who made the designer?
If the designer was not created or designed, then his existence requires neither.
If a designer is always required for something to exist, then you're stuck in an infinite regression. A god must have made the god that created God and so on and so forth...
But if you think God doesn't require a creator, then you must believe that something complex can exist without a designer or "painter".
So why should imperfect humans require a designer if a perfect being doesn't?
If anything, it makes more sense that our flawed diseased world sprang into existence through impersonal natural processes than to think our flawed diseased world was the product of a flawless almighty deity.![]()
lol look at you judging people.Its ironic how christians are supposed to love everyone regardless of how they identify, yet they are some of the most judgmental people i've ever met.
"Oh you don't love you some Jesus? Well fukk you then nikka
The projection is strong with this one:yasure::zfg::youthink:Black atheists are shunned because they are pretentious angry and anyoing . God is not real I am smarter than you because I don't believe in aa deity. Sit your bitter ass down.
I see many e-atheists constantly regurgitating their opinions and philosophies, while championing themselves as some sort of independent, critical thinker. I see atheists constantly crying for proof of this and that, yet I don't see them providing any proof of any great atheist civilization nor do I see them showing any proof of a 'creatorless existence'.
Existence is not logical.
If we were designed or created, who made the designer?
If the designer was not created or designed, then his existence requires neither.
If a designer is always required for something to exist, then you're stuck in an infinite regression. A god must have made the god that created God and so on and so forth...
But if you think God doesn't require a creator, then you must believe that something complex can exist without a designer or "painter".
So why should imperfect humans require a designer if a perfect being doesn't?
If anything, it makes more sense that our flawed diseased world sprang into existence through impersonal natural processes than to think our flawed diseased world was the product of a flawless almighty deity.![]()
How do you know that?Not an infinite loop. We know the universe has a beginning and we know space, time and material began with the big bang.
why?What caused the big bang had to be space less, timeless and immaterial.
which god?Which would be a good argument for God.
I don't want to go into this either, but I'll state a few things.
1. Homo sapiens have existed for 200,000 years, and Christianity only came along about 2000 years ago. Who's to say Christianity is any more valid than the Shamanistic, Polytheistic, etc. religions which predate it, and the other religions that are practiced concurrently with Christianity? How is one supposed to know which religion is the right one? Have those 900 million Hindus been wasting their time?
2. God is supposed to omniscient, omnipotent, and omnibenevolent, yet horrible things continue to happen to innocent people. I understand that some suffering would need to exist for people to appreciate things, but the amount of suffering which exists seems to far exceed the level that would be necessary. I hear some Christians talk about god causing natural disasters because he's unhappy with fakkits, but if he would do that, then why couldn't he have people lay off on the war and genocide? Why would he let our people be enslaved, then systematically oppressed for all this time? We converted to Christianity hundreds of years ago but we haven't really been saved.
If god is all knowing, then how does free will exist?In Christianity God came to us. In other religions you have to go to god.
People do some of the worst evil things ever seen. Even in that thread with the British dude going after 11 year olds out in public. No one was defending dude.
People want God to step in and get rid of all the evil we see even though that would violate our free will. God respects your freedom of choice. He will not send anyone to Heaven against their will.
How do you know that?
which god?
If god is all knowing, then how does free will exist?
"entropy of an isolated system never decreases"2nd law of thermodynamics.
no bueno againLaw of causality.
you are saying false things and using no logic at allThe only one who created the universe. There are less than three religions that makes a claim to create the universe. All others create inside an already established universe.
Okay, then what's the point of him existing if he's omnipotent but doesn't intervene because he wants people to have free will? Just to create the world then perhaps, but then why do people need to pray to him if he's omnipotent yet doesn't seem to stop evil despite his omnibenevolence?Same way God could put a bowl of rocks and a plate of home-cooked food on a table knowing you would be hungry when you walked in the door.. You are free to choose but you would go for the food.