i feel the same bruh, however sometimes i cant find a reason to keep living on this fukked up world. How do you keep going?
Take it easy bruh.
What you have to understand is that all black people are not on the same conscious level.
Every year we have millions of a new up and coming generations of young black teenagers who do not understand the concept and construct of white supremacy and how to go about countering it. Yes it does seem like we have to repeat and go over the same message continually every year. This younger generation. they don't know about the black experience because they were not taught growing up and may unknowingly go along with the white supremacists agenda.
Im 27.there are younger black youth coming upevery year between the ages of 15 to 25 that dont know.
It's kind of our fault because if all black men would have collectively agreed across the country 20 years ago to teach our sons certain values and principles to live by it would be a lot easier to unite and move forward in one collective direction however that's not the case as black people we were all raised differently some of us with self destructive ffukked up parents. some of us had good parents that gave us values and critical thinking skills.
So every year or so we may have to rehash for the new generation of young black people that are coming up nd haven't been exposed to the right way of thinking about self and how to counter white supremacy.
Yes it might be frustrating sometimes and a lot of us will give you theimpression that nothing will change but things will always get better if you consistent.