Tucker Carlson tried using the same strawman argument he used on Tyriq & got bodied.
"Why would a white supremacist country allow non-whites in"
How does that question negate the fact that whites hold all the power & discriminate against minorities by keeping them from working high paying jobs, subjecting them to living conditions far worst than whites, less academic opportunities, racial profiling, etc, etc.. Whites use systemic racism as a means to stay on top. That is white supremacy. The guy debating him pretty much nailed it.
And did Tucker
really just say they're "voluntarily" allowing this country to become non-white & "no one's yelling about it"?
"That's not the behavior of a white supremacist country"
As if a white supremacist didn't just get elected president who promises to deport Mexicans & then build a wall to keep them from getting in.