had that fakkit flustered, he resorted to plain old insults and nervous laughing at the end 

That's how you do it. No emotion. Just facts.
actually those facts described in that manner are not common sense. if they were more people of color would use said argument. most black folks do not know to say, their were more of us then whites back then for free labor purposes to line the pockets of the white man. now their are more people of color for the very same person, to line the pockets of the white man.People are exposing themselves. Tucker was much more professional and respectful here. He didn't start this exchange off by insulting this guy and lying about something that he said. He also allowed this man to speak without interruption. This segment is almost twice as long as Nasheed's and half of Nasheed's segment was wasted arguing over semantics. Tucker trolled and made it personal both times with Nasheed. He didn't do any of that here until the very end after he had been sonned.
This was a good but he didn't say anything that hasn't been said on this site. I've personally made damn near all of them myself here. This really had nothing to do with academics. He arguments were common sense.
Y'all low key on some white(looking) man ice colder shyt.
Tariq is not a professor and has no formal education. I like Tariq from what ive seen from him, but he is not polished and he relies too much on platitudes. This man brought nuance and facts and ate up the purposely obtuse cac with little effort or exertion. Tariq is a self taught documentary filmaker/social media activist this guy is an academic with a PHD in what the hell is talking about. Light work for him against a hack like Carlson. Big difference.
hater but shyt was funny soI feel like I would have related to what the guest was saying more if, halfway through the segment, he tried to sell me some boots. Otherwise, good job!
Thank you for keeping it 100% all that Race Soldier shyt is cute until you run into someone educated and built for this social commentary life. These dudes aren't dumb ass white cats on Twitter or Reddit.
Tariq is NOT normal.Malcolm was a genius though, you can't compare a normal dude like Tariq to him