The introduction of the February PPV was a mistake. A whole month is wasted on filler angles that should be going towards WM and then you get a big rush to fill out the card 3-4 weeks before the show every year.
HHH vs Jericho: Jericho spends all of Jan-3 weeks of Feb feuding with Rock and Austin. HHH spends the same time feuding with Angle and/or Stephanie. This leaves 4 weeks for the actual main event of WM to have any build between the two people in it, and it's mostly centered around Stephanie anyway. Both feuds were far more heated than the Jericho/HHH one.
Hogan vs Rock: Rock spends all of January and February feuding with Jericho and Taker. Hogan arrives the night of NWO and the challenge from Rock is made the next night really just because. Hogan then tries to literally murder Rock TWICE the same night

This also leaves 4 weeks of build for perhaps the most iconic match of a generation.
Austin vs Hall: Much like Hogan/Rock, this starts at NWO when the NWO arrived to beat up Austin for no reason other than they're the NWO and that's what they do, with Hall randomly hitting Austin with the Stunner. This happens again on Raw, then Austin abducts Hall on Smackdown and this also leaves 4 weeks of build.
Taker vs Flair: Taker spent most of January and February just popping in and having matches with other main eventers and then starting a feud with Rock because Rock put Maven over. Rock costs Taker the Hardcore Championship against Maven, Taker tombstones Rock on the roof of a limo, Flair randomly gets involved I guess as a boss saying to chill out and that was enough to set Taker off. This has a few more weeks of build up than the previous matches, but Flair is also doing a bunch of other shyt as he was co-owner so he was involved in all kinds of shyt every week so it wasn't like a completely linear storyline.
RVD vs Regal: Regal had been feuding with Edge for all of January and most of February, then suddenly RVD replaced Edge but Edge kind of kept his end of the feud up and reverted to rage guy from 1998 as RVD just assumed his spot and title feud. Prior to randomly squashing Regal on TV, RVD had been the object of Goldust's desires since is return at the Rumble and prior to that was just floating around doing whatever.
Trish vs Lita vs Jazz: Jazz just beat Trish's ass every week for months, Lita wasn't even on TV until the Rumble and then was back doing the Team Extreme deal.
Christian vs DDP: DDP wins his job back in the middle of January, right after gets a title shot against Christian, wins, and spends the next 2 months on Heat. Christian meanwhile acts as Jericho's lackey, often with Lance Storm, throwing temper tantrums and quits 4 weeks away from WM.
Booker vs Edge: Edge spends 2 months feuding for the IC title, reverts to rage guy, Booker spends January still at the top of the cards in matches with Austin/Rock/HHH, then February sees him resume his team with Test and challenge for the tag titles and that's immediately dropped and 3 weeks away from WM this comedy angle about a Japanese shampoo commercial comes up.
Now imagine there wasn't a PPV between Rumble and Mania and some of these angles actually had more than 3-4 weeks to build up the biggest show of the year instead of mostly continuing all the angles going into the Rumble through the middle of February, blowing them off, and then starting fresh 4 weeks away from WM.