Watching now on strength of this post.Watched the 1989 Royal Rumble and Hulk Hogan in a backstage promo says he feels sorry for what he's going to do to his friend the Macho Man if it comes to them in the Royal Rumble match, says he's the real World Champion and that everyone in the world still calls him Champ. The Mega Powers are still a thing at this point too! Then in the Royal Rumble match itself after getting eliminated fairly by the Twin Towers, he drags Big Boss Man out of the ring and beats him down. When Boss Man gets back in the ring, Hogan still remains ringside and pull the top rope as Boss Man hits it thus eliminating Boss Man unfairly and then beats down Boss Man up some more. How the hell did people like him as a kid?
I mean I didn't. I liked Warrior as a kid....the same Warrior who beat down innocent officials after getting that work from Ravishing Rick Rude at the Super Pose Down
Guess he wasn't a good example for the kids either
In the OPENER I'm reminded how much I hate Greg valentine and Ron Garvin.
I literally said out loud to myself "what a piece of shyt" when Vince said hammers name. Him and Garvin are just awful, I hated them as a kid and now as a grown up