What eras did you watch back in the day? How is your 90s WCW coverage?
Damn i just now saw this. i see yall have some great memories on these eras. Its so hard for me to stay focused long periods to binge these again but i say ive been watching mostly from 1993-2016.
One day, I really gotta watch 1992. i know NOTHING about "The Dangerous Alliance." I wanna find out what it was like with Heyman in WCW.
I had only been watching wrestling for a month when this happened, and I cried. Because of how the announcers sold it, I thought it was real and that Flair was probably dead. Schiavone had a way of making things sound so real and official newscaster-ish.
Breh, I just re-watched that shyt like a month ago on the Network. Im glad Im not the only one who felt Tony Schiavone really had a way with sucking you into heartfelt emotional moments. i love when they really sold the nWo as a legit terrorist group and how they were concerned for their safety at all times.
WWE has never pulled something like that off ever. The announcers never seem shook of The NEXUS stable
Wwe is offering subscribers the network free till January 31st lmao that's five free ppvs lmao
My month bout 2 run out. How i sign up for this free trial?
Also, I watched John Cena's collection and I can see how Vince saw money in a young All American good lookin white boy. Dude had the it factor.
Cena was sooooooooooo over with that rapper gimmick. Those raps on Lesnar and the vignettes were
Its crazy how they dropped the ball with Ce-Goat. He instantly got exposed when he fueded with Jericho & Angle in 2005 and never recovered.