Randy Orton - Dude just never could take that next step no matter how much Vince and Co pushed him. The only time he got red hot was the build into Mania 25. Ever since Mania dude has done nothing worthwhile and his character is beyond stale.
Big Slow- Big boring underachiever who was only tolerable in ECW in 06. I would think more of dude if he didn't come back and stink up the joint since 08.
Triple H- Boring ass matches and promos ever since his 02 return dude was always the guy Austin and Rock is feuding with at the time level.
Christian - I like the Captain but he is midcard for life dude ain't no main eventer especially in WWE land.
Taz - I like dude but cats acting like he should've been going over Austin and shyt
Mr.Anderson/Kennedy- Brittle ass one trick pony hilarious to look back to 07 and see the IWC marks all on this guy nuts talking about being the next breakout star.