I'm reading this thread.....and let's make one thing clear right now:
If someone is a heel and they're getting booed, they're getting heat. Which is what they're supposed to be getting, and it means they're doing their job regardless of how they allegedly attained the heat
Trying to classify heat for a heel into different categories based on the perceived reason why the fans are booing, is pointless. It literally makes no difference as long as the person is supposed to be getting booed in the first place
All this "they're booing him not because they're supposed to, but because they legitimately don't wanna see him" is bullshyt. You could say that shyt about literally any heel that has ever been booed. It's just a roundabout way of saying "I personally don't like this heel wrestler for non-kayfabe reasons....so I guess all the fans must be booing him for those same reasons"
Now obviously an intended face getting boos is different. A face gets booed if the fans think they're wack, annoying and/or overpushed. I don't know why X-Pac became the poster boy for this when it happened to others before him (The Rock is a good example); as a matter of fact I could have sworn he basically stayed a heel in WWE after turning on Kane anyway, so boos wouldn't have been out of place....
I also don't like the revisionist history in here concerning how over X-Pac was during his prime DX days......
X-Pac Heat.
He was, by far, the LEAST popular person in DX.
He had no classic matches or rivalries, he had no popular catchphrases, he had a bronco buster.
Like this shyt right here.
He was the least popular person in DX?

......News flash: nobody gave a shyt about Billy Gunn outside of his tag team with Road Dogg; at least X-Pac got cheers as a solo wrestler away from other members of the group. And everyone remembers him teaming up with, and later feuding with Kane and stealing his girl.....that was a major ongoing storyline

X-Pac got plenty of love from the fans when he initially befriended Kane