@CM Punk Okay big man....you want a shot? Okay...you get a shot. I'll be putting you in a match for TSC Beach Brawl against @Riley Escobar
If you can defeat him.... I will guarantee you a TSC World Championship match against @krackdagawd ....if you win and it will be CM Punk vs. Krack at TSC Champions Series.
Jmare & Stat, while you both lay there, hopefully as uncomfortable as you possibly can be, I want you to curtain jerkers two listen to me. I want all of TSC to listen to me. I want you all to digest this because I have a lot of things I want to get off my chest. Especially to Hollywood Hogan.
I dont hate you, Terry. I dont even dislike you. I do like you. I like you a hell of a lot more than I like most people in TSC.
I hate this idea that youre the best. Because youre not. Im the best. Im the best poster in the world. Theres one thing youre better at than I am and thats kissing KG's ass.
Ive been the best since TSC Heatwave when I walked into that thread and produced a classic with that fossil Scott Steiner. And Ive been vilified and hated since that day because Krackdagawd saw something in me that nobody else wanted to admit. Thats right, Im a Krack/Kliq guy. But the biggest difference between me and Krack is Im going to be the real TSC Champion.
Ive grabbed so many of KG's brass rings that its finally dawned on me that there just that, theyre completely imaginary. The only thing thats real is me and the fact that day in and day out, for almost one week, I have proved to everybody in the world that I am the best on this subforum, in the coli, even on PSN & Xbox Live! Nobody can touch me!
And yet no matter how many times I prove it, Im not on your lovely little top poster lists. Im not on the cover of the threads. Im barely promoted. I don't get to be in the main events. Im certainly not on any crappy show like the one produced for TSC Mania. Im not on the banner on the top of this website. But the fact of the matter is, I should be.
This isnt sour grapes. But the fact that Terry/Hollywood is in the main event and Im not makes me sick!
Oh hey, let me get something straight. Those of you who are cheering me right now, you are just as big a part of this as anything else. Because youre the ones who are dapping on these posts right now. Youre the ones that read these threads that my face isnt on the cover of. And then at five in the morning in your mother's basement, you try to mention me to try and get a dap and try to feel yourself because youre too much of a fukking loser to go have some self esteem and get a real job.
Im leaving with the TSC Championship when I get the shot. And hell, who knows, maybe Ill go defend it in Boxden. Maybe Ill go back to Allhiphop.
The reason Im leaving is you people. Because after Im gone, youre still going to pour daps into these shows. Im just a spoke on the wheel. The wheel is going to keep turning and I understand that. KG is going to make money despite himself. Hes a thousandaire who should be a millionaire. You know why hes not a millionaire? Because he surrounds himself with glad-handed, non-sensical, douchebag yes men, like wcthesecret, whos going to tell him everything he wants to hear, and Id like to think that maybe this company will better after KG is dead. But the fact is, its going to be taken over by his idiotic commissioner and his doofus moderators and the rest of his conglomerate.
Let me tell you a personal story about.....
*mic cuts off*
@Riley Escobar If you defeat Punk....you will be awarded the vacant and newly created TSC Television Championship![]()
TSC Gentleverse Dirtsheet Report
There seems to be some heat in the lockerroom over @Wcthesecret getting another high profile match on a PPV. "Wcthesecret couldn't draw a DIME!! He couldn't even put a dime on a sheet of paper and draw a circle around it." is allegedly what one of the guys in the back said about him.
There seems to be chatter about a Gentleverse/Ligginsverse crossover promotion event in the future.
@concise and @Dog Based Gremlin might be in store for major pushes.
A pitiful attempt at appeasement. A title on the line (and a meaningless one at that) for only one person in the match sums up everything that's wrong with this company. I'll play along, though. I always do. Détente is the status quo.
You're lucky I have my insurance policy with me at all times. Because when that comes into play...well...you'll see.
TSC Gentleverse Dirtsheet Report
There seems to be some heat in the lockerroom over @Wcthesecret getting another high profile match on a PPV. "Wcthesecret couldn't draw a DIME!! He couldn't even put a dime on a sheet of paper and draw a circle around it." is allegedly what one of the guys in the back said about him.
There seems to be chatter about a Gentleverse/Ligginsverse crossover promotion event in the future.
@concise and @Dog Based Gremlin might be in store for major pushes.
CEO KG: You know Riley....You want to disgrace this title that I have given you the chance to win. Only because these fans cheer for you so loudly, and because you have the third best selling ice cream bar will I give you an extra incentive. I'll ad an extra bonus...not only will you win the TSC Television Title if you win, but you'll also win the first round bye at the TSC Champions Series in the World Title Tournament.![]()
@Scotch Hall @DaylitoJames @The Push Man
Ladies and gentlemen...and especially our three victims tonight, I interrupt what I am sure was a very, very interesting *aside glance* bit of television to grace you with my presence.
I am the Unified TSC EuroWeight Champion, @TrueEpic08, as well as a founding member of the most dangerous and dominant faction in TSC, the TSC Corporate Ministry.
I would like to take this time to address the comments made by one of our victims concerning my, @krackdagawd, and @3Rivers chances of victory.
*laughs* Honestly, that's all there is to say about it. Tell me, what were you doing, and what was I doing at the last PPV? I'll wait. What were you doing during Krack and 3Rivers' cage match at the top of the card? I'll wait. What were you doing while I was UNIFYING two belts and making history?
Not a damn thing except getting your ass kicked and kneeling at the feet of the TSCCM, that's what.
Who are you in our world? What are you to the sovereigns of this organization? What do you mean in front of the ONLY Double Crown holder in the history of TSC and two LEGENDS of this place.
Nothing, that's what.
You three better wash your necks, because we're coming to cut your heads off and we don't want to dirty ourselves on the filth. And @Hoss? Do what's right for yourself. I promise you that you know what that decision is.
I now return you
to your regularly scheduled programming.