Look at you, ladies and gentlemen the chairman of the board, Mr. KG. What a manuever!
Look at you, you're really going to go through with it aren't you? For somebody that's been so pro Krack, I figured you would come on here with more Shawn Michaels gifs, ridiculous Kliq pictures and those rambo headbands on. But looking at you now, you have ZERO faith in Krackdagawd come this champions series PPV. Which I clearly don't blame you.
I've had my lawyers look at this contract, KG. Frankly, It wasn't up to par so I had them draw up a new one. I have it right here, my signature is already on it. All you have to do is sign it. Although I think you should know about a couple new perks.
You want to hear a couple of perks?
It's funny that you said if push comes to shove. Because that's perk number one, I get to push you.
KG, I'll push you all I want. I'll kick you in the nuts and you'll smile at me and like it and show me some respect.
Because if you don't, I will leave with the TSC Heavyweight Championship after my title match with Krack.
Now, the real provisions on this title contract. Provision
#1 , After I defeat Krack for the TSC Heavyweight Championship, I will no longer have to compete in the champions series tournament.
#2 , I will in return, face the winner of the tournament for MY TSC Heavweight title.
#3 , for a superstar of my caliber, I will compete IN the Main Events.
#4 , TSC while being a subforum of the arcadium, will no longer be a subforum and instead, TSC will have a subforum named after me. CM Punk. Where all things Punk will reside.
And lastly, I want you to apologize to me. Apologize to me for trying to threaten me earlier. Otherwise I'm going to take the TSC Heavyweight Title and go defend it at boxden, allhiphop, maybe I'll go back to fighthype.