Truth Time: Who Here Has Actually Hit a Woman?


Payin Debts.... N40
May 29, 2012
Japan, but from the 989
Twice. Once I punched in the face this bytch because she tried to stab me.. (High School)

And other time this crazy bytch tried to fight because I wouldn't hold her while I was watching football. (She was drunk) but she tried to punch me as hard she could, so I smacked her one good time for sobriety. I didn't think twice about it. (About 5 years ago...)

In both instances I don't feel like I did anything wrong (except the one with the knife, she was my main female at the time, she was trippin) but when a woman tries to be a man, you welcome her to manhood. Beat her ass.

Lord Piffington

Cacnificent #euswag
May 9, 2012
My ex and I got into some drama about nothing really but the bytch was HEATED she step up to me with her hand raised and I told her right away "if you gonna act like a man imma treat you as such" she had the option to walk away...she didnt she tried to slap me I ducked and slapped her with the wrath of god.. bytch spun two times swear to god fell to the floor bounced right up sat down on the couch and asked "what you wonna do today?" Like nothing happened... women are fukking crazy smdh


AKA Chief Green Leaf
May 13, 2013
Nah i've never hit a bytch with force but i have tossed a few with no fukks as to how or where they landed :leostare:


50 States
May 14, 2012
Omaha's Flyest
So you just started choking her in the middle of a club with no consequences?


It got broke up. Its not like i go round socking bytches just stay n ur place. Nobody got time for that messy shyt. If it was true i can slightly see where she's coming from. But to start some shyt for no reason hell nah


All Star
May 13, 2012
Only hit my main girl like 3-4 times over the years. Felt kinda bad about it. Never punched her. I just either back-handed her or slapped her on the side of the head. Only once in public

Grand Cru Boo

May 8, 2012
New Yawk New Yawk
No, but I can't say I haven't been tempted too. Some of these females need to stay in their lane. I can't stand a female that think they can step to me and talk crazy to me. Sorry ma I don't play those type of games.

My man on the other hand is ruthless. He will smack a bytch fast! I've seen him smack a few for getting out of line.


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012

Once in Elementary school. Got in a fat with this fat bytch. I gave the her beats and she just ate them shyts :damn:

My ex. I showed her my new mp3 player and she tried to be cute talking bout why I ain't get her one. She accidentally hit me in the face and I felt myself turning super saiyan and then preceded to choke the shyt out of her in the parking lot.

Ain't nuffin wrong with beating a bytch ass IMO.


All Star
May 5, 2012
Birmingham, AL
Well, when I was in school I got into with a girl because I was sharpening my pencil and she just comes up and pulls my pencil out and puts her pencil in. I was like :what: so I karate chopped her pencil so it broke in the sharpener and it was just going but you couldn't get her pencil out. She was twice my size too so it was like me fighting the blob.

I wasn't raised to hit women but now-a-days it should be rules to the shyt. I got a homeboy that just got stabbed by his wife 5 times. He didn't die but I'm not trying to go out like that. As far as me though, I have only hit one of my girlfriends out of anger.

I was 18 and I had skipped school, picked her up and went and got some Waffle House, and took her back to my house. Well, when I walk into my room she sees a number on my desk. It was a number of a girl that I hadn't seen since 6th grade, but I wasn't trying to holla at her like that. Well, before I could explain myself, my girlfriend slaps the shyt out of me!!

I'm not gonna lie, that shyt stung like a mutha! I told her that I wasn't trying to fight her and if she would let me say what the deal was with the number things will be alright. Well, she wasn't hearing that. After she threw my TV remote and smashed it against the wall, poured syrup on my carpet, and called me all kinds of MF's and bytchs, she slaps me again!

What made it worse was that she hit me in the same damn spot so It's stinging for real. I looked at her and said, "you got one mo' time to put your hands on me". Then I went and got the cleaning shyt to get the syrup out of my carpet. I'm trying to say cool, but she keeps pushing me going, "what you gonna do, you ain't gonna do shyt. If you hit me I'm gonna call the police".

I'm thinking to myself going :why: So I stand up and just say, "let me clean this shyt up so I can take you home". Then she goes, "what the fukk you mean if I hit you one more time?" Then she hits me again!! At this point I look at her like, :dahell: Then I cocked back and hit her ass so hard that she hit the wall then hit the ground! She was knocked out but her eyes was wide open! I thought I had killed her because she was stiff on the ground.

She loosed up and I put her in my bed and I went to go wash my hands. Then I heard her get up and go straight to the kitchen. She opened all the cabinets until she got to the knife draw. I can hear all this shyt even with the bathroom door closed. I can't lie, I was scared to come out the bathroom like :usure: I was thinking, "Lord, don't let this crazy bytch kill me in my parent's house!!!"

I slowly opened the door and when I peeped around the corner I could hear the sound a knife makes when it cuts through the air. She swinging at me like, "nikka I'll Kill You!!!!" I finally ducked and dodged back into a wall. I finally caught her hand and cagged her on her stomach and proceeded to sit on her until she calmed down.

The whole side of her face was swollen up by then. I promised to never hit her again out of anger and she promised never to hit me again, but she didn't live up to her end but I did. I'm not proud of what I did because she really asked for it. Once again that was the one and only time I ever hit a woman out of anger and I advise anyone if you can get out of the situation without it escalating to that point then please do, you'll be looking back at that shyt like :whew: Sorry for the novel brehs............

Lord Piffington

Cacnificent #euswag
May 9, 2012
Well, when I was in school I got into with a girl because I was sharpening my pencil and she just comes up and pulls my pencil out and puts her pencil in. I was like :what: so I karate chopped her pencil so it broke in the sharpener and it was just going but you couldn't get her pencil out. She was twice my size too so it was like me fighting the blob.

I wasn't raised to hit women but now-a-days it should be rules to the shyt. I got a homeboy that just got stabbed by his wife 5 times. He didn't die but I'm not trying to go out like that. As far as me though, I have only hit one of my girlfriends out of anger.

I was 18 and I had skipped school, picked her up and went and got some Waffle House, and took her back to my house. Well, when I walk into my room she sees a number on my desk. It was a number of a girl that I hadn't seen since 6th grade, but I wasn't trying to holla at her like that. Well, before I could explain myself, my girlfriend slaps the shyt out of me!!

I'm not gonna lie, that shyt stung like a mutha! I told her that I wasn't trying to fight her and if she would let me say what the deal was with the number things will be alright. Well, she wasn't hearing that. After she threw my TV remote and smashed it against the wall, poured syrup on my carpet, and called me all kinds of MF's and bytchs, she slaps me again!

What made it worse was that she hit me in the same damn spot so It's stinging for real. I looked at her and said, "you got one mo' time to put your hands on me". Then I went and got the cleaning shyt to get the syrup out of my carpet. I'm trying to say cool, but she keeps pushing me going, "what you gonna do, you ain't gonna do shyt. If you hit me I'm gonna call the police".

I'm thinking to myself going :why: So I stand up and just say, "let me clean this shyt up so I can take you home". Then she goes, "what the fukk you mean if I hit you one more time?" Then she hits me again!! At this point I look at her like, :dahell: Then I cocked back and hit her ass so hard that she hit the wall then hit the ground! She was knocked out but her eyes was wide open! I thought I had killed her because she was stiff on the ground.

She loosed up and I put her in my bed and I went to go wash my hands. Then I heard her get up and go straight to the kitchen. She opened all the cabinets until she got to the knife draw. I can hear all this shyt even with the bathroom door closed. I can't lie, I was scared to come out the bathroom like :usure: I was thinking, "Lord, don't let this crazy bytch kill me in my parent's house!!!"

I slowly opened the door and when I peeped around the corner I could hear the sound a knife makes when it cuts through the air. She swinging at me like, "nikka I'll Kill You!!!!" I finally ducked and dodged back into a wall. I finally caught her hand and cagged her on her stomach and proceeded to sit on her until she calmed down.

The whole side of her face was swollen up by then. I promised to never hit her again out of anger and she promised never to hit me again, but she didn't live up to her end but I did. I'm not proud of what I did because she really asked for it. Once again that was the one and only time I ever hit a woman out of anger and I advise anyone if you can get out of the situation without it escalating to that point then please do, you'll be looking back at that shyt like :whew: Sorry for the novel brehs............

breh, I must say that you are five times the man I am.. had she done that shyt to me she would wound up in the nearest river with a chain around her neck.. I am NOT pro woman beating by all means, but god damn if your going to be THAT disrespectful then all bets are off..


A God Among Kings
May 1, 2012
Rochester Ny
sometimes the hands fly like bruce lee
bytch go and sue me
i pat her down like coochie
forward backhand a groupie


All Star
May 13, 2012
How that go? :dwillhuh:

We were walking down a side-street in broad daylight, like on a weekend, so there was no one really around. I was searching for this restaurant to take her too, and she kept hassling me, so I just smacked her up real quick. This was overseas in one of these "it's okay to slap women" countries though:manny: