So the potential next President of the United States basically just said fukk reparations and Yvette response is “so what?”
Acronym gang will find a single tweet with 3 likes from an “alleged” Black immigrant who’s against reparations and go back and forth for hours on social media about it, create content about it, etc.
But Trump just gets an “oh well, we already knew that, wHaT dO yOu WaNt Us tO dO aBoUt iT”.
fukking cowards, all of them.
This is what it's always been about with them. Tariq too. They exploited reparations to create division, blaming African immigrants for being an obstacle, all to make it more palatable for them to support Trump for his anti-immigrant stance. Yvette Carnell is scum.
It's wild how openly they shift there "It has to be tangibles exclusively for Black people" stance once a racist white Republican is involved.
Democrats expand health care for Black communities? "Doesn't count, that helped other communities in need too."
Democrats give billions to Black farmers? "Doesn't count, some Brown farmers got a small amount of the assistance too."
Democrats forgive hundreds of millions in student loans? "Doesn't count, wasn't only for Black students."
Democrats cap the price of insulin? "Doesn't count, other races use insulin too."
Democrats allow Medicare to negotiate and lower drug prices? "Doesn't count, other people need prescriptions too."
Democrats reduce the crack disparity and legalize marijuana? "Doesn't count, are you saying that only Black people use drugs?"
Democrats investigate police departments and enforce consent decrees? "Doesn't count, are you saying that only Black people are criminals?"
Democrats support race-based Affirmative Action? "Doesn't count, um, white women benefit from that too!"
Democrats support education in Black communities? "Doesn't count, I don't want government education for our kids anyway."
Democrats support a committee to study reparations? "Doesn't count, they're probably gonna give it to non-FBA Black people too and if that's the case then I don't want it."
But then Republicans try to appease White Nationalists with anti-immigrant rhetoric? "Whooooo hoooooo! I don't care if he's not even thinking about us when he does that, I love it!"