Trump's Tax Law Cut Corporate Tax Rate from 35% to 21%. Guess where the money Went.....

Dr. Acula

Hail Hydra
Jul 26, 2012
Is this because of financials or because of dead weight ? You cant tell that. Also who was said those jobs were supposed to be full time long term ?

For google as example, they hire people for specific projects all the time. Lets say they are trying to build a new camera prototype for cell phones. They may hire someone for that job and often times keep that person even beyond the project. But that does not guarantee that person a job for rest of their life with google.

Also tech is hardly a beacon of loyalty when it comes to employees, I live in the bay area, tech employees are some of the most ruthless and disloyal employees in employment history, they leverage deals between start ups and big corps almost yearly to leverage higher pay :mjlol:

Im an employer. I cut my staff from around 12-15 to around 4-6 depending on night. My revenue is about the same without the bloat. Sometimes people fail to bring value to a job :manny:
One, did you just conveniently ignore that only the first tweet was about tech and the other was a farm supplier company and the other a bunch of airlines? It's not tech specific.

Secondly, we aren't debating whether some people deserve to be fired. A lot of times people aren't being laid off in big corps for performance but because of corporate restructuring. Assuming it's only because of people's poor performance is a comfortable lie and easy to accept for folks who believe in trickle down garbage because obviously it's always the employee at fault and something wrong they did instead of maybe, unrestrained corporate greed has issues. But plenty of examples have been posted that show these companies will slash jobs simply to increase their profits and nothing else. Maybe you find this harder to believe since it's harder to justify beyond simply corporate greed.

Breh watch that video when you get a chance. May open your mind. I'm going to assume you're a good employer and simply do what is best for your business. But we are talking about levels. Unless you're a billion dollar corp employing thousands of people, no offense, you maybe operating from a different world and this is not even relevant to what you doing. You have shareholders?
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