At the end of the day, if we're looking at this from an unbiased perspective strictly based on the answers that were given about politics, policies, and agendas...
Biden won last night in that regard, he didn't say everything that people wanted to hear but still gave better answers and thoughtful insights on what to expect if reelected.
Trump did not do that at all except play the victim, lie, and resort to his usual MAGA shtick but his debating last night was far worse than his 2016 and 2020 debates because he didn't have any stamina/momentum due to all the legal drama and felony conviction charges (and the potential outcomes of that) looming over his head.
The only thing Trump had over Biden was the fact that unlike himself, Joe has more of the appearance and candance of a man who's primed for a stay at a senior citizen home but physical features/age aren't what win elections, it's competence (leadership skills, trustworthiness, etc), policies, and agendas, so other than that Joe cooked Trump in regards to giving actual thoughtful political answers.
People said the same thing in 2020 that Biden looked and sounded soo “old, cryptic, etc, etc” and none of that made a difference and I don't believe it will now...As I said before Trump and his supporters are hoping for 2 or 3 miracles to happen.