He is right in that the American public is stupid and climate change is not going to move the needle politically. I would argue you're still giving the public too much credit. I'd agree if you can frame it as they can have a job making good money within a year by doing something that may help fight climate change, that is a good strategy.
But I feel we just had the biggest example of how dumb the American electorate is a month and some change ago. "climate change" and thinking about the future consequences is too big an ask for the American public. Keep is simple stupid should be how every political situation should be framed going forward. Most Americans are dumb and once you forget that you're going to lose. Always remember you're talking to retards.
I used to work in a public high school so I def know we aren’t the brightest. Democrats need to keep it simple and to the point. You are basically talking to 6th graders when you talk to the public.
Also people go into survival mode when struggling so trying to get folks on board the trans rights and other things will not go over well. Trump is a shady used car salesman who knows how to manipulate the mob very well.