You almost had it.
We’ve already seen how Trump will use it. He blackmailed Ukraine for dirt on Biden in exchange for military aid. So now he has humanitarian aid he can blackmail for access to enrich his friends or himself.
Considering how many resource rich countries USAid is in, he can “Greenland” himself into more.
Like I've stated , I didn't know much about USAid until like 24 hours ago . Maybe I'm reading the wrong stuff , but do you know if it has it ever been use to undermine foreign governments that don't adhere to certain American interests ? Prior to Trump.
Either by rejecting aid to countries that don't vote a certain way , or even using it to promote think-tanks that go against certain governments ? Like we all know the U.S doesn't have the best track record when it comes to the treatment of foreign countries , if it affects American interests.
I'm just here to learn