House Intelligence Committee in possession of video, audio recordings from Giuliani associate Lev Parnas
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The House Intelligence Committee is in possession of audio and video recordings and photographs
provided to the committee by Lev Parnas, an associate of President Donald Trump’s personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, who reportedly played a key role in assisting him in his efforts to investigate former Vice President
Joe Biden and
Ukraine, multiple sources familiar with the matter tell ABC News.
The material submitted to the committee includes audio, video and photos that include Giuliani and Trump. It was unclear what the content depicts and the committees only began accessing the material last week.
(MORE: Giuliani's associate Lev Parnas ready to comply with congressional impeachment inquiry)
"We have subpoenaed Mr. Parnas and Mr. [Igor] Fruman for their records. We would like them to fully comply with those subpoenas," House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff told CNN Sunday, with a committee spokesperson adding they would not elaborate beyond the chairman's comments.
House Intel Committee possesses video, audio recordings from Giuliani associate