Pride. Sadness. Consternation. Hope.
These emotions and many others swirl within me as we finish the second week of testimony in the House impeachment hearings. To see women and man of character and service speak honestly about their efforts to protect the national security interests of the United States in the face of a blatant abuse of power is a reminder of what this nation can be at its best.
The picture they paint however is dark and cynical. It confirms some of the greatest fears of our Founding Fathers, a president bereft of morality using his office and its many powers in service to his narrow self interest. And beneath it all is the realization that the rot is so endemic and all-encompassing that it would defy reason to assume this is the extent of the malfeasance. We are haunted by what we don't
Many have asked me how this measures against the outrages of Watergate, and my answer has long been that comparisons are difficult despite obvious similarities. But as this comes into focus, we must consider that this is worse. This scandal, with its tentacles into questions of Putin and Russia, involves the future of this nation's relationship with the world. It touches on our defense and security, as well as our values. These offenses were abetted by foreign actors with interests opposed to American values. That the GOP keeps defending the indefensible, from an echo chamber of Fox News and social media, suggests that a reckoning by Republican officials, like what happened with President Nixon, is highly unlikely.
Will the impeachment hearings sway public opinion? Will it cost Democrats at the polls? Is it an exercise in futility? I respectfully suggest these are the wrong questions to ask. The ideal of the Constitution is that it is a set of values and the DNA of government that must superseded temporal political concerns. Either we stand for something as a country, or we don't. The women and men refusing to abide by the President's actions stand for something, with their right hands raised. They have said, this will not be our America, as long as we have a say.
We needed to have this airing of what has occured. The scales by which future generations will measure our actions are set. Evidence is being weighed. It is up to us to work hard to make sure this scale tips
towards justice.