WATCH: The Trump Impeachment Hearings – Day 5 — Hill, Holmes to testify
Chris Cuomo and guests sitting outside the Capitol with plaid blankets like they are about to roast chestnuts on an open fire
This guy Nunesplease California do the country a favor.
Go to school and work to get to a level of dikkhead and asskisser
Nunes takes exception to Fiona Hill testimony that some committee members believe “Russia and its security services did not conduct a campaign against our country.” He cites GOP 2018 report on Russia probe. She’s calling out claims by Nunes and others that Ukraine meddled in ‘16
Manu Raju
David Holmes testifies that policy priorities in Ukraine, including support against Russian aggression, “became overshadowed by a political agenda being promoted by ... Giuliani and a cadre of officials operating with a direct channel to the White House.” …
09:38 - 21 Nov 2019
HOLMES: Given the history of U.S. security assistance to Ukraine ... I was shocked when, on July 18, an Office of Management and Budget staff member surprisingly announced the hold on Ukraine security assistance ... The official said the order had come from the President.
09:52 - 21 Nov 2019
Play the racism card, release him to a ticket tape...jesus christ