I was actually giving you guys a compliment , believe it or not. Posters on this website like to downplay the salary of Indians/Asians when it comes to programming/engineering. "They must be getting lowballed", "No way they are making as much as white people", that's that self defeatist stuff I don't like. They must rationalize it by saying "they are being ripped off", I guess to make themselves feel better. Even if they were being low balled in some situations, they are still bringing in $25-$30/hrs, I'm sure alot of my people would love to be making that an hour.
Average Programmer salary
"The BLS reports the median annual wage for
computer programmers was $76,140 in 2013. The best-paid 10 percent in the field made approximately $123,490,
while the bottom 10 percent made approximately $43,640. The highest-paid in the profession work in the metropolitan areas of Santa Fe, New Mexico; Bethesda, Maryland; and Seattle"
Computer Programmer Salary Information | Best Jobs | US News Careers
Sr. Software Engineer / Developer / Programmer Salary (United States)
Now if Indians/Asians make up a "good" chunk of programmers, how the hell are they being ripped off( The ones here in the U.S ) , not the outsourced ones.
I'm a programmer, my department starting salary is around $70K, We are a BIG company, 95% of the programmers here are Indian/Asian and they also make up a good amount of our DBA's. shyt we just hired another Indian last month, Starting at $80K( I was apart of his interview ). People need to wake the fukk up.