Trump Address: Illegal Immigrants are a threat to African-Americans


Dec 29, 2016
1. You dont know me and I dont know why you're so heated
2.Name me one thing that Republicans have done in the last 50 years that has even had a hint of trying to help black people.

I'm no Democrat stan which is obvious from the part of my post where I said they pretend not to hate us. But what were Republicans doing when the civil rights bill was being signed? What plan do Republicans have to address crumbling infrastructure in mostly black neighborhoods? How many black prisoners who were locked up over bullshyt did Republican presidents pardon? What plan do Republicans have for fixing food deserts in our communities? What plan do Republicans have to make healthcare more affordable for us who struggle every day? What is the Republican plan for predatory loans that plunge us into debt? What are the Republican plans to address the police shootings and white supremacists infiltrating the military and law enforcement? What are Republicans doing to cut down on our tax dollars going to an apartheid state like Israel?

The democratic party is slowly inching toward democratic socialism which is what the country needs. I dislike the centrist and slow moving CAC section of the democratic party. I at least see that there are some demo socialists who speak on this issue on that side. What do the Republicans have to offer other than fear?

"Hey blacks. Get angry about these immigrants taking these low paying jobs we weren't going to help you get anyway :troll:"

It's an obvious scam and anyone who falls for it deserves what they get.:yeshrug:

You're better off voting for a party that does the minimum to help black people than the party that consistently puts shyt in our way.
Please don't quote me trying to justify your political slavery

Miles Davis

Prince of Darkness
Jul 26, 2015
who's falling for anything?

If the devil was the weatherman would that mean he's wrong?
Some black folks will fall for this in that they’ll agree to the wall and whatever dumb shyt trump says cause he’s making it personal for them meanwhile he ain’t no where close to an ally, he ain’t even neutral. If the weather man was coming after your ass at the same time, yes.
Dec 10, 2015
nikka Cali is muthafukking Mexico. Come on!

It isn't majority hispanic due to immigration. It used to literally be mexico 150 years ago. As far as Cali is concerned, americans are the Immigrants.

those "illegals" are 6th generation Californians.

California belonged to white Spainards before that. And before that it belonged to indigenous (non mexican) Gabrielinos. Mexico only held California for a short duration compared to the other groups.

It isn't majority hispanic due to immigration" YES it is. The population statistics of California from the last decades disagrees with you.


Nov 28, 2016
This is what you support :50CentUMad:

Illegals can get IN STATE TUITION now :wow:

Some States Resist Offering Tuition Breaks to Undocumented Immigrants



States Must Expand Higher-Education Opportunities for Undocumented Students - Center for American Progress


@panopticon WTF is wrong with these dudes? :dahell:
I really don't get it breh. To me it's such a clear-cut case of advancing our economic and political interests. The vast majority of black people in this country are poor or working class at best. Putting the most vulnerable members of our community in head-to-head competition for employment, housing, education, and basic services with desperate immigrants makes absolutely no sense.

Part of the problem is likely the messenger (Trump). A lot of folks just can't get past his antics and nonsense and admit that he may actually have a few decent arguments when it comes to immigration.

Another part of the problem is the concerted effort by both political parties (prior to Trump's election) to suppress constructive debate on the economic and social impact of immigration. On the left, people concerned with immigration have been derided as racists and xenophobes. On the right, prior to Trump, those concerned with immigration were vilified as economic protectionists (the business wing of the Republican party has always been pro-immigration to crush labor costs and increase aggregate demand for their products and services).

Something everyone in this debate needs to grapple with is the reality that everyone isn't able to vault themselves into the upper-middle class. That goes for both the black community and Americans more broadly. Everyone doesn't have what it takes to become a 6-figure earner, and that's no knock on them - and nothing to be ashamed of.

We either build a country where people willing to work - no matter their level of education or sophistication - are able to live lives with dignity and purpose, or we don't. Sustained high levels of legal and illegal immigration make it impossible to achieve that.


Nov 28, 2016
I can't stand a fukking black elitist. You blavity ass hoes care for no one but yourselves. I have a degree but a few of my cousins don't. So its just fukk them, I got mine, my only threat are these corporate cacs. Gtfo.
You nikkas are useless to the black race, as if uneducated blacks concerns are meaningless because their fight isn't your fight. Why the fukk should blue collar blacks give a fukk about your struggle when you don't give a fukk about theirs? :dahell:
I want all our people to get their piece of the pie. Selfish, worthless ass hoes:scust:

Scustin Bieburr

Baby baybee baybee UUUGH
May 3, 2012
so in other words black people should ignore the immigration issue because democrats are socialists and socialism is good, ok got it
Are you an agent? :what:

I'm saying this is an obvious tactic to try and get black votes. Illegal immigration is less of a threat to us than all that other stuff I listed. Obviously people should be coming in legally but the moron in charge wants us to pay for his stupid fukking wall that wont work anyway and hes trying to appeal to us to make it happen.

And it seems to be working :scust:


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
Are you an agent? :what:

I'm saying this is an obvious tactic to try and get black votes. Illegal immigration is less of a threat to us than all that other stuff I listed. Obviously people should be coming in legally but the moron in charge wants us to pay for his stupid fukking wall that wont work anyway and hes trying to appeal to us to make it happen.

And it seems to be working :scust:

the threats are equal, you are just downplaying immigration because you want the democrats to implement some socialist programs and black votes are necessary for that

i dont even see anybody actually supporting trump, all people are saying is that he is correct on that issue


All Star
Sep 11, 2015
718 Kings County
the threats are equal, you are just downplaying immigration because you want the democrats to implement some socialist programs and black votes are necessary for that

i dont even see anybody actually supporting trump, all people are saying is that he is correct on that issue

Exactly but the retards in this thread can't tell the difference

the bossman

Sep 4, 2012
Norfeast D.C.
the threats are equal, you are just downplaying immigration because you want the democrats to implement some socialist programs and black votes are necessary for that
my man really just said the threats are equal. :mjlol:

black families have $5 in wealth for every $100 whites have. an ever increasing gap in income and wealth growing, every. single. day. for the past few decades.

white folks tossing out resumes if you got a black name on there.
white folks paying black workers less compensation than their white counterparts if they do manage to get the job.

let's not talk about the current system of racism that pushes mass incarceration or job discrimination or housing discrimination that have robbed generations of black folks of opportunity to generate wealth. let's point to the boogeyman illegal immigrants. if we build the wall, then we all good yall :troll:

Let's be honest, it's much easier and convenient to point fingers and raise pitch forks at a bunch of broke people blaming them as the cause and real threat to black people having a fair chance to earn a solid living or chance to build real wealth. It's much easier to do that than to spend the time and energy figuring out how to address the real issues and real threats of institutional racism that have plagued black people in this country since the beginning of this countrys history.

i dont even see anybody actually supporting trump, all people are saying is that he is correct on that issue
he's correct on this issue. that's why he supports fukking over the black folks who represent 20% of the currently shutdown government. Trump giving no fukks about keeping that bytch shutdown for weeks and months if need be. That's what yall support now? when these black families in the shutdown govt start missing their rent payments, car notes, mortgage payments this month.. "well we gotta get those illegal immigrants outta here . that's the real threat.:mjgrin:"

no 30 page thread when he cut funding to HBCUs or fed black folks that okie doke "new deal for black america" shyt in his campaign.

act like you're honestly concerned about the economic prospects for the black community while ignoring the #1 issue at hand instead to waste time pointing at a bunch of broke people as a scapegoat or 'threat' brehs


All Star
Sep 11, 2015
718 Kings County
my man really just said the threats are equal. :mjlol:

black families have $5 in wealth for every $100 whites have. an ever increasing gap in income and wealth growing, every. single. day. for the past few decades.

white folks tossing out resumes if you got a black name on there.
white folks paying black workers less compensation than their white counterparts if they do manage to get the job.

let's not talk about the current system of racism that pushes mass incarceration or job discrimination or housing discrimination that have robbed generations of black folks of opportunity to generate wealth. let's point to the boogeyman illegal immigrants. if we build the wall, then we all good yall :troll:

Let's be honest, it's much easier and convenient to point fingers and raise pitch forks at a bunch of broke people blaming them as the cause and real threat to black people having a fair chance to earn a solid living or chance to build real wealth. It's much easier to do that than to spend the time and energy figuring out how to address the real issues and real threats of institutional racism that have plagued black people in this country since the beginning of this countrys history.

he's correct on this issue. that's why he supports fukking over the black folks who represent 20% of the currently shutdown government. Trump giving no fukks about keeping that bytch shutdown for weeks and months if need be. That's what yall support now? when these black families in the shutdown govt start missing their rent payments, car notes, mortgage payments this month.. "well we gotta get those illegal immigrants outta here . that's the real threat.:mjgrin:"

no 30 page thread when he cut funding to HBCUs or fed black folks that okie doke "new deal for black america" shyt in his campaign.

act like you're honestly concerned about the economic prospects for the black community while ignoring the #1 issue at hand instead to waste time pointing at a bunch of broke people as a scapegoat or 'threat' brehs
Red herrings everywhere here

Scustin Bieburr

Baby baybee baybee UUUGH
May 3, 2012
my man really just said the threats are equal. :mjlol:

black families have $5 in wealth for every $100 whites have. an ever increasing gap in income and wealth growing, every. single. day. for the past few decades.

white folks tossing out resumes if you got a black name on there.
white folks paying black workers less compensation than their white counterparts if they do manage to get the job.

let's not talk about the current system of racism that pushes mass incarceration or job discrimination or housing discrimination that have robbed generations of black folks of opportunity to generate wealth. let's point to the boogeyman illegal immigrants. if we build the wall, then we all good yall :troll:

Let's be honest, it's much easier and convenient to point fingers and raise pitch forks at a bunch of broke people blaming them as the cause and real threat to black people having a fair chance to earn a solid living or chance to build real wealth. It's much easier to do that than to spend the time and energy figuring out how to address the real issues and real threats of institutional racism that have plagued black people in this country since the beginning of this countrys history.

he's correct on this issue. that's why he supports fukking over the black folks who represent 20% of the currently shutdown government. Trump giving no fukks about keeping that bytch shutdown for weeks and months if need be. That's what yall support now? when these black families in the shutdown govt start missing their rent payments, car notes, mortgage payments this month.. "well we gotta get those illegal immigrants outta here . that's the real threat.:mjgrin:"

no 30 page thread when he cut funding to HBCUs or fed black folks that okie doke "new deal for black america" shyt in his campaign.

act like you're honestly concerned about the economic prospects for the black community while ignoring the #1 issue at hand instead to waste time pointing at a bunch of broke people as a scapegoat or 'threat' brehs

Cosign 100% illegals arent lynching us or pining for the days when nazism was openly accepted in white society. We have much bigger fish to fry and theres nothing wrong with pointing out that the conman in chief is obviously trying to pump up a weak threat and appeal directly to us so we will support his dumbass idea.

Here's a hot take: he should get those billionaires he gave a massive tax cut to, to pay for it :ohhh:

I'm not trying to get my tax dollars to pay for a dumbass nazi's wall


Dec 29, 2016
I’m not black and I don’t push the white man’s narrative on my race.

How will you get out from the bottom if you constantly limit yourself and fight for low wage jobs meant for teens or migrants and allow yourself to be placed in the same category as them?
Thank you for your honesty

You may /begone now

@mods y'all gotta get a handle on these non black posters overstepping their bounds


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
my man really just said the threats are equal. :mjlol:

black families have $5 in wealth for every $100 whites have. an ever increasing gap in income and wealth growing, every. single. day. for the past few decades.

white folks tossing out resumes if you got a black name on there.
white folks paying black workers less compensation than their white counterparts if they do manage to get the job.

let's not talk about the current system of racism that pushes mass incarceration or job discrimination or housing discrimination that have robbed generations of black folks of opportunity to generate wealth. let's point to the boogeyman illegal immigrants. if we build the wall, then we all good yall :troll:

Let's be honest, it's much easier and convenient to point fingers and raise pitch forks at a bunch of broke people blaming them as the cause and real threat to black people having a fair chance to earn a solid living or chance to build real wealth. It's much easier to do that than to spend the time and energy figuring out how to address the real issues and real threats of institutional racism that have plagued black people in this country since the beginning of this countrys history.

he's correct on this issue. that's why he supports fukking over the black folks who represent 20% of the currently shutdown government. Trump giving no fukks about keeping that bytch shutdown for weeks and months if need be. That's what yall support now? when these black families in the shutdown govt start missing their rent payments, car notes, mortgage payments this month.. "well we gotta get those illegal immigrants outta here . that's the real threat.:mjgrin:"

no 30 page thread when he cut funding to HBCUs or fed black folks that okie doke "new deal for black america" shyt in his campaign.

act like you're honestly concerned about the economic prospects for the black community while ignoring the #1 issue at hand instead to waste time pointing at a bunch of broke people as a scapegoat or 'threat' brehs

the large influx influx of cheap labor effects black wealth negatively because it suppresses wages at the lower end, so a discussion of black income is related to immigration

there are latinos tossing out resumes of black folks, there are latinos discriminating against black folks, there is legal discrimination where black people cant even apply for a job becuase of bilingual requirements

the point is you cant have a real discussion of black wealth, black income and black unemployment without discussing the impact of a huge wave of people from latin america legal and illegal who also practice white supremacy

latinos are not broke people, thats just a stereotype you are spreading to distract, latinos have more wealth than black people and outnumber black people and on top of that they practice white supremacy

unless you have been hiding under arock there have been a million anti trump threads, people syaing they agree with him on one issue doesnt equate to being pro trump

nobody is supporting trump, thats a false dichotomy that you are setting up, a person can agree with trump on illegal immigration and think hes a racist anti black piece of shyt, you can point out anti black racism from white people and you can point out anti black racism from latinos, there is no contradiction