Trump Address: Illegal Immigrants are a threat to African-Americans


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
More undocumented workers moving into management

More undocumented workers moving into management
Tami Luhby

Jobs that undocumented immigrants hold.
A growing number of undocumented immigrants are landing managerial positions. At the same time, fewer are doing jobs that require manual labor.
Some 13% of undocumented immigrants had management or professional jobs in 2012, up from 10% in 2007, according to a new Pew Research Center report. Meanwhile, 29% held construction or production posts, such as a food processor, garment worker or machinist, down from 34% in 2007.

The transition reflects a shift within the undocumented population in recent years. More than six in 10 of these immigrants have been in the U.S. for a decade or longer, compared to just over three out of 10 in 2003.

That's because there have been more undocumented workers leaving the country than coming into it, especially since the Great Recession, when many job opportunities dried up. Since 2007, about one million undocumented workers have left the U.S., said Jeffrey Passel, senior demographer at Pew. There were some 11.2 million undocumented immigrants in the U.S. in 2012.

It's not surprising that some undocumented immigrants are taking on more responsibilities at work the longer they stay in this country, Passel said. The most common managerial positions for these workers are in food service and farming and agriculture.

Although it's illegal for undocumented immigrants to work in the U.S., many find ways to circumvent the rules. Some came here legally, but overstayed their work visa. Others use forged documents. Still others work off the books or as day laborers getting paid in cash. And some companies don't verify the information they receive.


Still, the majority of undocumented immigrant workers continue to toil in agriculture,construction and hospitality. Also, they are more likely to hold low-skilled jobs than their native-born counterparts.

For instance, some 62% held service, construction and production posts, twice the share of U.S.-born workers.

And while undocumented immigrants are climbing the job ladder, they still lag behind those born in the U.S. Though 13% of these immigrants were in management and professional jobs, some 36% of U.S.-born residents held these positions.


Overall, the number of undocumented immigrants working or looking for employment has remained somewhat constant in recent years at 8.1 million. That's about 5.1% of the civilian labor force.

Undocumented men were more likely to be in the workforce than their American-born counterparts, 91% vs 79%. But only 61% of undocumented women were in the workforce, compared to 72% of U.S.-born women.

The Pew report also gives insights into where undocumented immigrant workers live and from which countries they come. Nevada had the highest share, at 10.2%, with California and Texas following at 9.4% and 8.9%, respectively.

Just over half of undocumented immigrants were Mexican, with Salvadorans and Guatemalans next.

Overall, undocumented immigrants made up 3.5% of U.S. residents and 26% of all immigrants.

CNNMoney (New York) First published March 27, 2015: 3:15 PM ET

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The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Opinion: Why are Hispanics identifying as white? - CNN

Why are Hispanics identifying as white?

The 2010 official US Census form.
For all the complexity of our national complexion, Americans still too often think that white makes right.

Consider a new study of census returns reported on by the Pew Research Center. It showed, apparently, that significant numbers of Hispanics are now identifying as white. The research was presented at the recent Population Association of America meeting.
Some news reports suggested that Hispanics, rather than solidifying a distinct ethnic identity and becoming the driving force of a "majority-minority" future, might instead try to be just the latest group of immigrants, such as Italians or Jews, to "become white."
Such a shift, if it's real, has potentially big implications.

Think about national politics, where the Republican Party plays to a shrinking, aging and increasingly anxious base of white voters. If large numbers of Hispanics were to start thinking of themselves as white, that could alter the calculations and rhetoric of the GOP.

But it turns out such scenarios are at best premature. What the new research really appears to reveal is just how confused we continue to be about race -- and how, even amidst this confusion, whiteness remains a dangerously malleable idea that Americans must deal with more candidly.

Let's start with the three points of confusion that Pew's report on the new research revealed.

First, and most basic, is a statement that has been repeated yet ignored so often that it's like the fine print in an ad: "Hispanics can be of any race."

That means there are black, white, even Asian Hispanics. The label "Hispanic" -- meaning, "with origins or heritage in Spanish-speaking countries" -- was intended by the census to be a category of linguistic and ethnic heritage, not an official "race" of its own.

Yet in recent decades, Hispanics or Latinos have indeed begun to forge a cross-cutting identity that can feel like a racial category (shorthanded as "brown") and is sometimes set beside the other major blocs of America's racial color grid. So Hispanics can be at once a race and not a race. It's no wonder that media coverage of Hispanics can be muddled.

The second point of confusion is that the new research did not in fact find a Hispanic flight to whiteness.

What it found was that growing numbers of Hispanics, when told by government forms that they were not a race unto themselves and that they had to choose a race, chose the category called "white." As the study authors noted, this reflected the convolutions and limits of the census forms (which are to change in 2020) at least as much any underlying yearning among Hispanics to be white.
But this brings us to the third point of confusion, which is that to the extent that some Hispanics did in fact want to be seen as white rather than Hispanic, they were using the clumsy language of color to express the subtle reality of class.


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An earlier Pew report indicated that the longer their families had been in America, the more likely Hispanics were to check the "white" box. This suggests that the way Americans say "upward mobility for immigrants" or "mainstream integration" is still too often "becoming white."

Indeed, sometimes our national discourse on race proceeds as if it were all about groups of color vying to be acknowledged, while white people sit back and watch. The invention of panethnic categories such as "Latino" or "Asian American," categories that take on a racial life of their own, is in part a reaction to the white-norming of politics and pop culture. But it's also a time-tested, all-American tradition. For proof, look no further than the invention of the white race itself.
The great waves of immigration in the 19th and 20th centuries -- to say nothing of the baroque rules of racial categorization in the slaveholding South -- showed that Americans have always been deviously flexible about deciding who gets to be white. At first the Irish weren't, then they were. Same with the Italians and Jews.
In more recent times, Asian Americans who've achieved in visible ways have been granted "honorary white" status (wanted or not), while some people of color seeking middle-class success have been accused by their co-ethnics of "acting white" (whether they thought of it that way or not).

The great risk, underscored by the reactions to the new research, is that we go on unthinkingly treating whiteness as the ideal and social baseline of American life.

That's harmful because it subordinates people whose backgrounds aren't "white" and because it stunts the capacity of all people -- not least poor and working-class whites -- to name and reckon with class divides and inequality.

I propose a better way of talking about what third- or fourth-generation Hispanics, or ambitious new arrivals in Chinatown, or resilient African American first-in-the-family college students are all doing. They're not becoming white. They're becoming American.

And to become American is now a more colorful, complex and class-bound undertaking than it has ever been. Let's learn to see it that way.

Correction: An earlier version of this article misidentified the source of the new research reported on by Pew. It was presented at the Annual Population Association of America meeting.

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The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
More Hispanics Declaring Themselves White

More Hispanics Declaring Themselves White
May 21, 2014
Pulse of the People


Pablo Delcán
Hispanics are often described as driving up the nonwhite share of the population. But a new study of census forms finds that more Hispanics are identifying as white.

An estimated net 1.2 million Americans of the 35 million Americans identified in 2000 as of “Hispanic, Latino or Spanish origin,” as the census form puts it, changed their race from “some other race” to “white” between the 2000 and 2010 censuses, according to research presented at an annual meeting of the Population Association of America and reported by Pew Research.

The researchers, who have not yet published their findings, compared individual census forms from the 2000 and 2010 censuses. They found that millions of Americans answered the census questions about race and ethnicity differently in 2000 and 2010. The largest shifts were among Americans of Hispanic origin, who are the nation’s fastest growing ethnic group by total numbers.

Race is an immutable characteristic for many white, black and Asian-Americans. It is less clear for Americans of Hispanic origin. The census form asks two questions about race and ethnicity: one about whether individuals are of Hispanic or Latino origin, and another about race. “Hispanics” do not constitute a race, according to the census, and so 37 percent of Hispanics, presumably dissatisfied with options like “white” or “black,” selected “some other race.”

The researchers found that 2.5 million Americans of Hispanic origin, or approximately 7 percent of the 35 million Americans of Hispanic origin in 2000, changed their race from “some other race” in 2000 to “white” in 2010. An additional 1.3 million people switched in the other direction. A noteworthy but unspecified share of the change came from children who weren’t old enough to fill out a form in 2000, but chose for themselves in 2010.

The data provide new evidence consistent with the theory that Hispanics may assimilate as white Americans, like the Italians or Irish, who were not universally considered to be white. It is particularly significant that the shift toward white identification withstood a decade of debate over immigration and the country’s exploding Hispanic population, which might have been expected to inculcate or reinforce a sense of Hispanic identity, or draw attention to divisions that remain between Hispanics and non-Hispanic white Americans. Research suggests that Hispanics who have experienced discrimination are less likely to identify as white.

The data also call into question whether America is destined to become a so-called minority-majority nation, where whites represent a minority of the nation’s population. Those projections assume that Hispanics aren’t white, but if Hispanics ultimately identify as white Americans, then whites will remain the majority for the foreseeable future.

White identification is not necessarily a sign that Hispanics consider themselves white. Many or even most might identify their race as “Hispanic” if it were an explicit option. But white identification may still be an indicator of assimilation. White identifiers are likelier to be second- and third-generation Hispanics than foreign-born and noncitizen Hispanics. They also have higher levels of education and income. The researchers’ data did not show the country of origin of the families of those people who shifted their identification.

The results are a strong sign that fears of a unique “Hispanic challenge,” where Hispanics immigrants might remain as a permanent Spanish-speaking underclass, are overblown.

In that regard, the census numbers are not new: There is mounting evidence that Hispanics are succeeding in American society at a pace similar to that of prior waves of European immigrants.

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Grind -N- Bone

ᒪᕮGᕮᑎᗪᗩᖇY ᔕᑌᑭᕮᖇ TᕼᑌG
Aug 7, 2014
Tᕼᗩ ᔕKᖇᕮᕮTᔕ
All I know is they ain't here for black people and no self respecting black person should ever put the cape on for them
I read somewhere that 2 of them jacked and shot a brotha in the face not that long ago, I would fetch the story but my browser is laggy as phuck
Seeing more and more these stories as they numbers go up. Of course that prolly wouldn't have happened if they weren't here to begin with but I digress.
And don't quote me that crime among Illegals is lower than native born citizens either cause that ain't the point.
The point is no one should have to worry about being killed by people who shoulnd't be here in the first place.

As far as jobs blacks shouldn't have to compete with illegals either. It's been posted in here already that Jose and Blanca not just outchea picking fruits but as usual that's going over these apologist ass motherfukkas heads.
Maybe they don't live around these people, I don't know the circumstances but they have shown they can be a threat as long as nikkas keep they heads in the sand.
Just SMH @ the posters in here talm bout we need to pander to them cuz we need them as allies. fukking disgraceful. We need to be on code that is whet we need to be NOT pandering for acceptance.
Remember they have the same White supremacist mindset in their home countries and it almost always carries over to the next.


Feb 8, 2015
There has to be an availability for unskilled labor for those who don’t have the resources. In theory it may be idealistic what you’re saying but it’s not realistic. Native born America should get first dibs on those positions if they need them to feed their families. Not someone who hopped the border

Please explain this to the “educated” posters in Higher Learning. I swear it’s like teaching quantum physics to Forest Gump. I mean the bolded is all that needs to be said. The fact people can’t get such a simple concept is frightening :picard:


Feb 8, 2015
Nope pretty smart and not dumb

I have an undergrad degree and an MBA

At no point in my adult life have I EVER competed with an illegal immigrant for a position. Period.

If you are Black and you are, the problem might be YOU and your lack of skills or desirable skillset with regards to the workplace.

My threat is and has ALWAYS been WHITES. Particularly, WHITE WOMEN.

Furthermore, business owners love minimizing costs. Hiring illegal immigrants is one of the best way to do this. Your issue isn't with illegal immigrants, it's with the people who hire them knowing it is illegal to do so.

Keep sucking that Orange dikk though :mjlol:

This post is on some Inception shyt.

You’re implying people are c00ns for not wanting illegal immigration and are Trump supporters but at the same time you’re telling people to pull themselves up by their bootstraps instead of complaining which is DEFINITELY a cac tactic through and through.

Cave Savage

Sep 7, 2014
Women's rights
Napolean, I don't know what you're worried about. US born Mexicans aren't really doing well but you think illegal immigrants from Central America are gonna take all the good jobs?

I'm not in favor of unrestricted immigration but I don't think Mexicans and Central Americans are socially mobile enough to pose a threat in the job field


Oct 5, 2012
Fresno, CA.
Smart by trump.

Of course these no degree havin, hourly earning, love to be the victim ass nikkas gonna eat that shyt up:dead:
:gucci:That's the overwhelming majority of African Americans...
You hate Trump so much you nikkas are really out here ignoring the reality of the black condition.

I have yet to hear a good reason why we shouldn't secure our border and better control who enters our country, just some liberal/progressive magic ass shyt about going after employers.


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
Get your facts from your white colleagues Brehs

Mexican-American War | Definition, Timeline, Causes, & Facts

Nothing says undercover cac like saying someone sold something after LOSING A GOT DAMN WAR

breh, mexico is a former spanish colony that engaged in oppression and slavery against native americans and africans, there is no reason why any african person would give 2 fuks that they lost some land fair and square according to european rules of war

the people who the land actually belongs never went anywhere, they are still in california, mexico has no claim to the land except that it was theirs by the declarations of the king of spain and the pope