Trump Address: Illegal Immigrants are a threat to African-Americans


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
As bad of a debater as you are somehow youre an even worse liar.

I quoted you asking you to quantify that bullshyt you posted about illegals with fake papers getting skilled labor jobs and like a coward you move the goalpost ONE post later and contradict yourself with a link proving illegals work low skilled lavor jobs

nikkas really trying to lie like that wasnt a page ago :gucci:

Furthermore the talking point you're trying to push was debunked by your own fukking source

One yourself moron:mjlol:

illegals do not work in the fields picking lettuce, illegals use fake documentation to apply to all types of jobs

^^^^that is the quote

i didnt say that illegals use fake documents to get skilled jobs, i said they use it to get all types of jobs (i was including skilled and i stand by that but i wasnt saying its just skilled labor) its right there in black and grey (depending on what skin you are using)

so you literally had to add an adjective so you can argue about something i never said

i quantified per your request that illegals do not work in the fields

virtually all illegals use fake documents unless they are working under the table, why would that have to be quantified?

get these nets

Jul 8, 2017
Above the fray.
So its coli testimonials over facts and resaerch :laff: like these nikkas are right a out everything.

Anything to join hands with racists I guess.
Use a racial slur and then use the word "racist" in the same post,Brohams.

The tensions between native born Blacks and Spanish speaking immigrant groups in Miami & Los Angeles are well documented. Articles, books, documentaries have detailed them. The imposition of language was a common source of contention....going back decades.
I don't think your quick googling of an article qualifies as research ,nor does it refute the quotes/interviews from the extensive media and academic coverage of these tensions.

Wait for the Coli members from those places to weigh in, and their comments will mirror the quotes taken from African Americans interviewed and surveyed over the past decades about the same topic.
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Worthless Loser

Oct 3, 2015
I was 100% right. In that other Trump speech thread I said militants were going to eat this comment up.

Ya'll are being played. White anxiety is a common tool white supremacists use to gain support for their agenda. Trump's infamous for that and the speech last night was one of many examples. However three of the components of white supremacy are deception, distraction and division and they are normally directed toward minorities. White people know if they can divide people by races or groups via misinformation, exploiting cultural differences, fear mongering and criminalization of a certain group or race, it makes it easier for them to accomplish their goal because people's guards are let down and their minds are focused on that misinformation.

They are also aware that if they can deceive enough people, in particular people who are normally considered enemies into agreeing with them into believing something that isn't accurate, they can acquire those people or "enemies" as useful idiots and agents who can provide justification for their behavior while they continue to fukk over those useful idiots in other ways. And because they are distracted useful idiots to a white supremacist agenda, they may not be prepared to deal with the incoming shyt that comes their way from those same white supremacists and may not see it while it's actually happening.

An example of this is the recent Trump administration decision to reverse Obama's policies toward unfair school discipline toward black and latino students. That should have been a big deal, but because people have been distracted with illegal immigration, no one has talked about it in the public and the thread on here about it barely had any replies when it should have went 10 plus pages at least because it directly deals with the school to prison pipeline that directly effects black children.

It is intellectually lazy to suggest illegal immigration hinders black progress or has any significant effect on black people. It's not even one of the top ten factors that hinder black people. 1)The streets swallowing our children whole. 2)Misguided or absent parenting and/or mentorship. 3)The school to prison pipeline. 4)Job hiring discrimination from white supervisors. 5)Income inequality. 6)Broken school systems. 7)Lack of educational opportunities and resources to get education. 8)Mortgage loan discrimination from banks to black people, 9)Unfair treatment in the criminal justice system. 10)Voter suppression (which is a direct civil rights violation), are all things that legitimately threaten the civil liberties, equality, financial and personal prosperity of black people.

Also, the minimal effect that illegal immigration may have on black umemployment is offset by an increased population growth that can lead to a higher chance of productivity, which in turn opens up more jobs for everyone.

It is imperative to note that people who disagree with militant ideology toward illegal immigrants are not "caping" for illegal immigration. Most people agree that if people get caught trying to come into the United States, they need to be sent back home. We can also agree some of them come to the United States for a better life. If I was living in some messed up environments and saw the United States as a place where I can do better for me and my family, I'd take the risk and try to come too. Especially considering the citizenship process is so backlogged that it takes years just to get a citizenship. Instead, the decision by white supremacists and I've noticed a few militants in here is to criminalize them. That doesn't work either when multiple studies suggest the crime rate of illegal immigrants is less than the crime rate of native US citizens. If there's anything to be worried about, it's immigrants bringing in drugs through legal ports of entry because that's where it happens at a lot.

For some of you in here who have been wondering why militants and white supremacists talking points overlap, it's because militants share similar characteristics as white sympathizers. White supremacist and white sympathizers talking points and characteristics include: White sovereignty (in the name of "national" sovereignty and protecting their own), white isolated anxiety (fear or hate or both, of the "other", which makes them receptive to fear mongering), cynicism, strong defense mechanisms from legitimate criticism (the inability to take criticism), a misguided cultural and racial egocentric belief, white victimization complex, and a heighten sense of self (narcissism). All of these characteristics combined create an irrationality, a pettiness, a misinformed extremist based view/belief and alternate perception of what's factual and what's misinformation. It's also why they'll get into petty arguments.

Militants share the same characteristics with the difference being all of them are rooted in a pro black belief. White people use fear mongering, cynicism and misinformation to exploit those characteristics which lead to militants, c00ns, and white sympathizers all collectively being swooned together by the specific fear mongering or cynicism based on characteristic relationships. An example of this is when white sympathizers and Russians was going around telling people not to vote in 2016, and militants like Tariq Nasheed picked up on it and directed the do not vote campaign toward black people based on that same cynicism. It was all based on a common cynicism. The alliance of characteristic relationships are why militants are unwitting agents of white supremacists. It's also another reason why you may notice some male militants exhibit sexist behavior just like their sexist white supremacist counterparts.

This is why the Coli's 2nd favorite militant was posting alt right nonsense and was swooned by white supremacists. She posted this picture last year on her social media.

The same picture was posted in 2017 from a white racist website called "The Constitution" that seems to no longer exist or it moved urls because there's another website in place of it that isn't the same.

The same guy who made that meme also made this:


He's notorious for making conspiracy memes about liberals, and other bullshyt racist memes about Obama - Google Search

As I said in the beginning. Ya'll are being played. And you will continue to be played as long as you continue to share similar characteristic relationships with white sympathizers, white nationalists and white supremacists.


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
I was 100% right. In that other Trump speech thread I said militants were going to eat this comment up.

Ya'll are being played. White anxiety is a common tool white supremacists use to gain support for their agenda. Trump's infamous for that and the speech last night was one of many examples. However three of the components of white supremacy are deception, distraction and division and they are normally directed toward minorities. White people know if they can divide people by races or groups via misinformation, exploiting cultural differences, fear mongering and criminalization of a certain group or race, it makes it easier for them to accomplish their goal because people's guards are let down and their minds are focused on that misinformation.

They are also aware that if they can deceive enough people, in particular people who are normally considered enemies into agreeing with them into believing something that isn't accurate, they can acquire those people or "enemies" as useful idiots and agents who can provide justification for their behavior while they continue to fukk over those useful idiots in other ways. And because they are distracted useful idiots to a white supremacist agenda, they may not be prepared to deal with the incoming shyt that comes their way from those same white supremacists and may not see it while it's actually happening.

An example of this is the recent Trump administration decision to reverse Obama's policies toward unfair school discipline toward black and latino students. That should have been a big deal, but because people have been distracted with illegal immigration, no one has talked about it in the public and the thread on here about it barely had any replies when it should have went 10 plus pages at least because it directly deals with the school to prison pipeline that directly effects black children.

It is intellectually lazy to suggest illegal immigration hinders black progress or has any significant effect on black people. It's not even one of the top ten factors that hinder black people. 1)The streets swallowing our children whole. 2)Misguided or absent parenting and/or mentorship. 3)The school to prison pipeline. 4)Job hiring discrimination from white supervisors. 5)Income inequality. 6)Broken school systems. 7)Lack of educational opportunities and resources to get education. 8)Mortgage loan discrimination from banks to black people, 9)Unfair treatment in the criminal justice system. 10)Voter suppression (which is a direct civil rights violation), are all things that legitimately threaten the civil liberties, equality, financial and personal prosperity of black people.

Also, the minimal effect that illegal immigration may have on black umemployment is offset by an increased population growth that can lead to a higher chance of productivity, which in turn opens up more jobs for everyone.

It is imperative to note that people who disagree with militant ideology toward illegal immigrants are not "caping" for illegal immigration. Most people agree that if people get caught trying to come into the United States, they need to be sent back home. We can also agree some of them come to the United States for a better life. If I was living in some messed up environments and saw the United States as a place where I can do better for me and my family, I'd take the risk and try to come too. Especially considering the citizenship process is so backlogged that it takes years just to get a citizenship. Instead, the decision by white supremacists and I've noticed a few militants in here is to criminalize them. That doesn't work either when multiple studies suggest the crime rate of illegal immigrants is less than the crime rate of native US citizens. If there's anything to be worried about, it's immigrants bringing in drugs through legal ports of entry because that's where it happens at a lot.

For some of you in here who have been wondering why militants and white supremacists talking points overlap, it's because militants share similar characteristics as white sympathizers. White supremacist and white sympathizers talking points and characteristics include: White sovereignty (in the name of "national" sovereignty and protecting their own), white isolated anxiety (fear or hate or both, of the "other", which makes them receptive to fear mongering), cynicism, strong defense mechanisms from legitimate criticism (the inability to take criticism), a misguided cultural and racial egocentric belief, white victimization complex, and a heighten sense of self (narcissism). All of these characteristics combined create an irrationality, a pettiness, a misinformed extremist based view/belief and alternate perception of what's factual and what's misinformation. It's also why they'll get into petty arguments.

Militants share the same characteristics with the difference being all of them are rooted in a pro black belief. White people use fear mongering, cynicism and misinformation to exploit those characteristics which lead to militants, c00ns, and white sympathizers all collectively being swooned together by the specific fear mongering or cynicism based on characteristic relationships. An example of this is when white sympathizers and Russians was going around telling people not to vote in 2016, and militants like Tariq Nasheed picked up on it and directed the do not vote campaign toward black people based on that same cynicism. It was all based on a common cynicism. The alliance of characteristic relationships are why militants are unwitting agents of white supremacists. It's also another reason why you may notice some male militants exhibit sexist behavior just like their sexist white supremacist counterparts.

This is why the Coli's 2nd favorite militant was posting alt right nonsense and was swooned by white supremacists. She posted this picture last year on her social media.

The same picture was posted in 2017 from a white racist website called "The Constitution" that seems to no longer exist or it moved urls because there's another website in place of it that isn't the same.

The same guy who made that meme also made this:


He's notorious for making conspiracy memes about liberals, and other bullshyt racist memes about Obama - Google Search

As I said in the beginning. Ya'll are being played. And you will continue to be played as long as you continue to share similar characteristic relationships with white sympathizers, white nationalists and white supremacists.

Nobody is being fooled, everybody knows that trump is racist

What's going over your head is that the DNC is also white supremacist and illegal immigrants come from countries that have 500 year histories of anti black racism and white supremacy

Black people have no friends

So the only real strategy for black people is a triangulation strategy or a neutral strategy
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Mar 2, 2017
It is intellectually lazy to suggest illegal immigration hinders black progress or has any significant effect on black people

You sound pretty similar to those racist cartoons you posted.

Now Blacks are lazy for even suggesting that illegal immigration might harm us :mjpls:

Even though it's a perfectly valid concern ,and there is literature from reputable institutes that suggests it does have a significant effect on black people.


Nov 20, 2016
Absolutely agreed, and these illegals gotta go, but if that racist trash gets the wall the base will be emboldened beyond belief, and Trump will win in 2020. Meaning that whatever hidden agenda he has for us will be easy to accomplish.

the bossman

Sep 4, 2012
Norfeast D.C.
some black folks out here falling for the okie doke as usual :mjlol:

The real threat to black folks in America this whole time was never the white system of supremacy it was the illegal immigrants all along!

The real threat isn't Trump encouraging police in Chicago to increase brutality & employ stop and frisk... it's the illegal immigrants yall

Promise to give HBCUs the funding they need to help black folks get the education needed for degrees and jobs,THEN turn around and actually cut funding. Illegal immigrants yall :russ:

Black families got 5 fukking dollars in family wealth for every $100 that whites have.. It's not job discrimination, it's not systemic racism. It's the illegal immigrants yall :mjgrin:

Not even mentioning how AAs are more likely than any other racial group to work for the government which Trump has shutdown and doesn't give 2 fukks about it. Don't worry he understands how AAs feel. He can relate. But until he gets his wall black folks will just have to make a sacrifice. :mjgrin:When black folks start missing those rent payments, mortgages, . Until he get that wall, we collateral damage. But don't worry about that, we gotta get them illegal immigrants outta here! :mjgrin:

90% of this clown's policies and decisions are to the complete detriment of black communities everywher in this country, but let's not focus on white systemic racism continually having its foot on the neck of black folks. Let's get those illegal immigrants outta here :mjgrin:

Cats out here really taking the bait. 2 underpriviliged groups going at it each other for $9/hr jobs in a race to the bottom, while Trump and the rest of white America STAY fukkin the black community over daily.

cats really gotta do better than this


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Illegal immigration data

Look, I don't support Trump and I don't support how he implements his policies...but the fact is that black leaders have ignored black people's demands that they be protected from illegal immigrant labor pressure.

Trump is a disgusting person who uses fear mongering and racist policies... but something has to be done to actually address the fact that black citizens are continually overlooked in context of illegals:

I vote for the left. I support democrats. I think I'm a progressive...but at some point, you have to ask, how can you fix this issue as humanely as possible and why are black voters made to ignore what illegals have done to black labor over the last 30 years?


NYTimes: The Democrats Have An Immigration Problem (I've warned you all of this)

LA Times: Library of Congress to stop using term 'illegal alien' calling them "noncitizen"

Illegal immigrant supporters. What the fukk is this?

US Civil Rights Committee Commissioner: Illegal Immigration Hammers African-American Workers


Worthless Loser

Oct 3, 2015
Now Blacks are lazy for even suggesting that illegal immigration might harm us :mjpls:
I never said "blacks are lazy". Please don't put words in my mouth. Lazy is clearly not the same as being intellectually lazy. Actually, you just displayed exactly what I was talking about in reference to the similar characteristics displayed between groups that causes irrationally and petty arguments. Therefore you have to make up something in your head in order to shield you from it. Please move on from simple, dishonest statements like that.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
nikka I know cinema 4d, octanenrender, studio one, various plug ins, Photoshop (self taught), illustrator AND have a behance account. Half of these self taught because Im an american native English speaker with internet since 01...there is no way I should be competing with a strawberry picking Paisa. No offense to them but just off gp I have an advantage. If you even have fast pace internet you could trump (no pun) most of the world. Ffs you grew up in fukking america. Wtf are you doing !!!!!!! :mindblown: theres no way you should be gettin passed up by a nikka without running water when you grew up with a PS3/4 and an iphone :damn:
oh really?



The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Nope pretty smart and not dumb

I have an undergrad degree and an MBA

At no point in my adult life have I EVER competed with an illegal immigrant for a position. Period.

If you are Black and you are, the problem might be YOU and your lack of skills or desirable skillset with regards to the workplace.

My threat is and has ALWAYS been WHITES. Particularly, WHITE WOMEN.

Furthermore, business owners love minimizing costs. Hiring illegal immigrants is one of the best way to do this. Your issue isn't with illegal immigrants, it's with the people who hire them knowing it is illegal to do so.

Keep sucking that Orange dikk though :mjlol:
Yes you have.

There are illegal immigrants in GOVERNMENT IN CALIFORNIA now


ABA House urges changes affecting undocumented immigrants, among other policy decisions

Illegal immigrants can PRACTICE NURSING!

Illegal immigrants have fukking occupational licensing now.

This is NOT picking fruit

1970s HeRon Flow

Takin Penitentiary Chances
May 1, 2012
Down Slauson Ave
Yes you have.

There are illegal immigrants in GOVERNMENT IN CALIFORNIA now


ABA House urges changes affecting undocumented immigrants, among other policy decisions

Illegal immigrants can PRACTICE NURSING!

Illegal immigrants have fukking occupational licensing now.

This is NOT picking fruit

She's a friend of my dad's and has accomplished WAY more then YOU ever will