Trump ad targeting black men


The Fire Rises 2023
Feb 2, 2014
You think they won't? You see the amount of people trying to get in?

I mean say what you want it's simple math, It's way easier to let migrants in than to give Black people tangibles.

You got to see things from the perspective of white politicians for most #bothsiders and #Novoters. nothing short of some wild number of reparations will ever be enough I green card is easier and cheaper than giving FBA's greenbacks.

Well then all i can tell them is good luck because it's not gonna go the way they think...:heh:

North of Death

All Star
Mar 10, 2017
I don't know, I guess you can google the answer. That doesn't change the fact that a white man in a Trump ad would've had a mortgage, and the "Black" man in the ad could've been a homeowner, too.
I know the percentages...its pretty dismal...but unfortunately it's the reality


Sep 15, 2014
Answer the question

Its a silly question to even ask, you have no proof of anything but just because you want something to be.

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a youtube channel with 3 videos and no attribution and you are trying to create a narrative.

I dont get yalls love for racist white people, I dont get it.

Straight up bozo status


Nov 1, 2015

Google is censoring this pro-Trump ad to protect Biden.

Let's make it go viral.

Good for Google. That ad is pure disinformation. Here is why and if you care about the truth let's make this go viral: 👇

Your portrayal of "Bidenomics" as a villain forcing American families into financial despair is not just nonsense; it's a deliberate distortion of the complex economic realities facing our nation. Economic conditions are influenced by a plethora of factors far beyond a single administration's reach, including global events and market dynamics.

Your attempt to rewrite history by glossing over the previous administration's catastrophic failures is audacious. You all want us to forget 2020 existed, remember what he handed down to Biden: Trump surfed on Obama's successes only to fall flat on his face when his presidency faced its first real test.

Here's the lowdown:

- Unemployment soared from a 50-year low of 3.5% in February to 14.7% by April as the pandemic forced businesses to shut or scale down.

- By the end of Trump's term, the U.S. lost 2.9 million jobs, marking the first presidency since Hoover to end with fewer jobs than it started with.

- Public federal debt jumped from $14.4 trillion to $21.6 trillion.

- The economy shrank by 3.4% in 2020, the steepest decline since 1947.

On the pandemic front, Trump's response faced heavy criticism:
- He consistently underplayed the virus, likening it to the flu and suggesting it would just vanish.

- His campaign rallies, lacking in social distancing and mask mandates, were tagged as potential super-spreader events.

- Trump's golf outings during the pandemic's early days were seen as a sign of his crisis mismanagement.

- A slow response to mobilize essential supplies for healthcare workers, including a delayed invocation of the Defense Production Act, led to critical shortages.

The economic impact hit small businesses hard:
- Many had to shut permanently due to lockdowns and decreased consumer spending.

- The CARES Act's Paycheck Protection Program aimed to help, but faced criticism over its deployment and accessibility for the neediest businesses. Marjorie Taylor Greene knows that very well. She took PPP the amount of $182,300, which was later forgiven with interest, totaling $183,504.

Transitioning to the Biden era came with its own set of hurdles:
- Trump's delayed election concession hampered the formal transition process, including crucial pandemic response briefings.

- The January 6 Capitol attack by Trump supporters disrupted the Electoral College result certification, sparking national security worries.

- Biden took over a nation grappling with the pandemic's health impacts and in dire need of economic and societal healing.

In essence, Trump's tenure concluded with the U.S. entrenched in a health crisis, economic slump, and polarized political scene, leaving the Biden administration to tackle the pandemic's ongoing challenges and to kickstart to recovery of a destroyed economy.

This still overlooks his dealings with the Taliban, bypassing the Afghan government, which had been bolstered with hundreds of billions of dollars in training and arms. He opted to negotiate with the Taliban, a move that led to the Afghan government's collapse. He freed their leader along with 5,000 soldiers, while reducing U.S. forces to 2,500, all without a clear exit strategy for May 2021. This act served as a parting gift to Putin, cornering Biden into either redeploying 10,000 troops to continue an endless conflict or withdrawing to avoid Taliban aggression.

That’s what Republicans are hoping slips your mind: They’d prefer you overlook the sheer incompetence of a president who's been indicted four times, impeached twice, and still only served one term. They're trying to erase 2020 from memory. But we won’t let that happen.

Integrity, truth, and justice should be the pillars of our public conversation, not baseless accusations and distorted facts. One shall not LIE! We are not FOOLS!

Joe Biden's tenure as President has been marked by substantial achievements and a determined effort to address the complex challenges he inherited from the Trump administration. Upon taking office, Biden was faced with an unprecedented global pandemic, a fragile economy, and deeply entrenched political divisions. Despite these challenges, his administration has made remarkable strides, affirming the United States' position as a global leader and a resilient nation.

Biden's Achievements:

Economic Recovery: Biden's policies have spurred a robust recovery, adding 15 million jobs to the U.S. economy, a record for any president in three years. This achievement is particularly notable given the economic turmoil at the pandemic's peak.

Infrastructure Investment: The passage of a landmark infrastructure bill, a feat that had eluded previous administrations, will modernize the nation's infrastructure, creating jobs and improving quality of life for Americans.

Climate Action: Biden has made the largest investment in climate action in U.S. history, demonstrating leadership in addressing the global climate crisis.

Healthcare and Veterans: His administration has worked to lower drug prices and improve healthcare for veterans, addressing longstanding issues in veterans' care.

Gun Safety Law: Biden achieved what hadn't been done in 30 years by passing significant gun safety legislation, reflecting his commitment to addressing gun violence.

Economic Indicators: Under his leadership, the U.S. has seen the longest stretch of sub-4% unemployment in half a century, along with a record-high stock market and surging consumer sentiment.

Recovery from Global Inflation: Biden's policies have also contributed to a faster recovery from global inflation than many other nations, showcasing the effectiveness of his economic strategies.

Obstruction by Republicans: Despite these achievements, Biden's efforts have been consistently obstructed by Republicans, who have chosen to block meaningful legislation at every turn. This obstructionism is not just about thwarting Biden's agenda; it's aimed at creating hardship for Americans, hoping it will translate into political gains for Trump in 2024.

Strength and Resilience: Folks, the narrative that the U.S. is a nation in decline is categorically false. The accomplishments of the Biden administration, in the face of significant adversity, underscore the nation's strength and resilience. These achievements, along with Biden's proactive measures on immigration, border security, and international relations, reaffirm the U.S. as the strongest nation globally, capable of leading with integrity and innovation.

Conclusion: The contrast between the forward momentum under Biden and the stagnation and division fostered by obstructionist Republicans is clear. The achievements of the Biden administration, particularly in areas handed off in turmoil by the previous administration, highlight a government working tirelessly for the betterment of its people and standing firm on the world stage. The path forward requires continued leadership that builds on these successes, not regressive policies that seek to undo this progress for political points.

#BidenomicsIsWorking #Bidenomics

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Nov 1, 2015

NEW! Trump ad targeting Black male voters!

Black men says: “Things were better before Biden, I’m voting for Trump!”

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May 28, 2012
Is Trump offering tangibles? Even if he did, would you trust him to implement them?
I have that lame on ignore, so IDK what was said, but to answer your question, if we went with whoever offered them (currently nobody), and they don't deliver, we could go back to not voting, or voting the other side to punish them. That is what "holding them accountable" really means, but people twist it for BS narratives for the side of their choice. The Democrats count on Black people never realizing this, and that's why they're in trouble. They're running out of tricks.
Nah that was no where near my point.

My point is that democrats created this opening for them him to exploit and his team is smart to act on it
Okay. Got you.

NEW! Trump ad targeting Black male voters!

Black men says: “Things were better before Biden, I’m voting for Trump!”

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Censoring it as opposed to proving it false with hard numbers (or a debate) is telling. :sas1:

Voice of Reason

Jan 7, 2016
Black Democrats need to stop this Black and Brown collation shyt.

fukk Trump but that immigration line resonates with a lot of grass roots Black folks.