True Vice City Stories

General Mills

More often than not I tend to take that L.
May 1, 2012
Piffsburgh, PA
I am already like. . . Oh shyt:wtb: Cause he is looking at me intently. Bordering on :dame:.

Breh - Aiyo. . aiyo tho. aiyo. Are you and Lori. . Well you know. . .:skip:

Me - NO BREH:gucci: I honestly have never messed with ol girl and had zero plans to do so. :hubie: EVER. I generally dont believe in or do the women close friends thing. It usually turns into one of the parties actually liking the other person and is trying to slide in. But with me and Lori its always been just us being cool. For me the reason why I never looked at her on that level is because I was disgusted by the mens company she kept.:scust: I have seen her with some dirty looking brehs. I dont judge but I am not about that swamp life. :hhh: I did not tell him all of that of course. She is his problem. :mjlit: Plus to me she did not approach relationships like a girl. She was like a breh. She had almost zero normal female emotions towards relationships. To me it was a huge turnoff. Now she was a good wingwoman and good to party with. Thats it.:hubie:

Breh - Ok ok. I figured as much. My next question is. . . .Then this fool pulls this out of his jacket.


When is a good time to ask her to be my wife. I want to propose tonight. :smugdraper:

Me -

General Mills

More often than not I tend to take that L.
May 1, 2012
Piffsburgh, PA
I wasted a $13 dollar drink right then.


I did not have the time or the inclination to go through my failed marriages and why its a bad idea. I did tell him breh to breh that he may want to just wait on it. I told him as a dude who has zero plans for her. And as someone who has known her for about 5 years... She has NEVER said anything about desiring to get married. Hell I did not even know she was dating you till right before I came down here. His face was :to: He said they have been dating for a year. I was internally :mjlol:

Then at that point Lori comes back and the convo is dropped. I looked at him tho and made sure he saw me. . With my eyes I am trying to tell him. . . Dont Do IT! He nods slightly and I am sure he got the message. Then I float away to try unsuccessfully to holler at this bootleg exotic.

We chill at the Clevelander for a bit more then decide to continue to walk down Ocean Drive. We eventually end up in Mango's ( no homo ) Latin club on Ocean Drive. I have been to Miami prob over 20 times but for some reason have never been in there. I see a trio of fat asses walking in and tell the other two lets go inside. :mjlit:

Inside was a literal March Of Dimes. :ohhh: Women of all flavor. Latin. Asian. Black. etc.


I immediately ditched those two and started mingling. Found the hip hop room and was posted up in there. Semi cuffed a fugazi Cuban chick. She said she was Cuban. I was like ok:duck: She looked like a redbone to me. But aye I can sell the dream too. Everything was going great until we decided to head downstairs to get some air. :snoop:

General Mills

More often than not I tend to take that L.
May 1, 2012
Piffsburgh, PA
I am trying to find a picture of the stairs in Mangos but I cant. . WelL me and ol girl was on the second floor. Lori and her Dude found us and he told me that he has a surprise and we need to leave so he can show us. I am like :no: You simpleton. . . But aye. Its your life. :yeshrug:

My girl was with her girlfriends and was not going to leave the club just yet because her friends were not ready. I asked her where she would be at later so we can link. She said at Club Space. Just so happens that is where we were going too. Already had my ticket and everything. .So shyt worked out. . .She decided to walk me outside. . . Mangos has steep ass metal stairs to get from the top where we were. . . .We get to the landing and we are holding hands. . She has on big ass heels of course. . We get ready to go down the 1st step when something catches my eye. . I turn my head and see 3 fukking dimes. I do not even know what they were. Some kind of exotic mixture:skip: But I was not looking at them. . I was looking at who they were with. . It was motherfukin Haley Joel Osment:ohhh:

It was so random I paused. . . . I was making sure it was not the liquor. . .Everything was in slow mo as I tried to make sure this is what I was seeing. . For one. . He was short. I MEAN SHORT. Like 5'5 if that. . His trio of ho's was taller than him.

He was also fat as fukk. :mjlol: I went to tell my girl. . AIYO. . Its the kid from the Sixth Sense! :krs: Unbeknownst to me was that when I stopped my girl was still going forward to go down the steps.

Metal steep steps.

In Heels.

After at least 3 drinks that I fed her. .

We were holding hands when I stopped and she kept going. . I heard a YIPE!! :sadbron: Then her hand slips out of my grip. I whipped my head around and my first instinct was to lunge and heroically reach for her on some

shyt and save the day. . . But as I put my hand out and leaned my body over i imagined me tumbling ass over tea kettle down those steps and yanked my hand back. .

Till the day I die I will never forget the look in her eyes. . .We locked eyes for a split second and she SAW me yank my hand back. :to: Her face. . . The look of betrayal. :dahell: . then the look of resignation as gravity took over.


She hit every damn step on the way down. . .On the final step she somehow did a 360 and landed on her grill. A tooth flew out the door onto Ocean Drive. :wow: