If you’ve been sitting there an hour because you believe in supporting black business, and you have the owner coming out berating the crowd and talking about respectability politics because only few ppl twerked, than I’d understand why ppl would take to Twitter and be upset and try to give the whole story. Because honestly, the way the story is being presented is that the whole crowd of black women was wyling out and causing a ruckus. On first view, anybody would be like “He’s right, he wants to run a certain establishment. He has every right to expect more from the patrons.”
But seeing the whole vid and seeing what other ppl have posted, it seems as if he tried to make a general blanket statement speaking at the crowd as a whole, because of the actions of one person. I don’t think a White establishment would’ve addressed a whole restaurant of patrons trying to discuss respectability politics and telling the patrons to GTFO and using cuss words and profane language to the patrons.
Does he want to be fine dining and does he want to think of his patrons as paying customers or does he want to address them in such a way like they’re just the homies from down the block? I can’t picture the owner of a fine dining place speaking to a whole crowd of patrons without any tact. He didn’t handle this well, given all the data I’ve gathered from ppl who were there. Again, I don’t think white establishments would even have a DJ playing such music.