Bryan Danielson
Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
Thjs episode was virtually all unnessacary exposition. Every main character is shades of the same "cop on the edge" stereotype. I can't tell the difference between Rachel, Colin or Taylor. Vince always looked like he was on the verge of doing that comedic rambling thing that he always does.... I also don't take him seriously as a business man ; I'm not sure why he's on this show. Taylor seems like he doesn't what to be there at all also.
Most of the character problems could be solved by focusing on 1or 2 characters. Colin is clearly the best actor in the show. Vince could be the second focus just to avoid a repeat of Colin character tropes but this dude cant sell his lines.
Besides the story deciding to kick in 50 mins into the show, the editing is the worst part. It like the director chose to film city shyts when he didn't know how to end a scene. I swear a few of those scenes weren't even done before it cut to a shot of the city. Theominous music ain't help either.... It was so outta place and didn't match the tone of this show at all.
This reminds of that AMC cop show.
Damn breh, are you a producer, director, or took film school classes in LA or NY breh?