Just finished episode 5 - this show
I havent had a chance to read through many of the theories posted here, or any scattered through the online world. Here are some quick concise thoughts on what Im thinking:
Thoughts on the Case:
I think there will be validity to the claims about people from 'high up' or however that double murder inmate referenced during his interrogation with Rust. I think it will tie in to the Tuttles and to the preacher they met(remember, he noted a relationship to the preacher Tuttle). It was no coincidence that the sheet that led them to the burnt down chapel, and then subsequently to the revival tent was
Also - I think Marty is aware Rust is still working the case. Marty knows that Rust isnt the killer, he is just trying to play up some 'good cop' image to the modern day detectives on the case. Rust just played those two dudes that entire recorded interview though. He definitely knows they suspect him, or rather want to dump the case on him. This is probably what Rust wants. He wants to KNOW these current detectives arent company men, as he called them. Rust already has the case solved, but knows he can't bring the truth to the surface because it will out a lot of higher ups and nobody will take him seriously, hell, they would probably just kill him off. He is going to lead these new detectives to all his work, and let them somewhat organically solve the case themselves.
This rabbit hole is going to go DEEP these next few episodes.
Thoughts on Marty:
Marty doesnt have anything to do with the murders, thats extremely far fetched to me. I noticed a fer people noted that as a possibility. He was too immersed in family issues and working the case back in '95 to be involved in the murders, etc. Please lets throw that theory out the window. I havent been able to connect the symbolism the show is providing connecting his daughters to the case, but its been very prevalent. Anyone have thoughts on that?
Thoughts on Rust:
Where to begin? One of the best characters Ive seen on television and its only 5 episodes in. They have established he has been working the case low key over the years. I dont think he is involved in the murders. It seems he has always thought this went deeper than some rednecks in the woods who cook meth,etc. He now has a connection to that biker gang, and knows there is a connection to religion(whether its the revival tent, or something else). He knows this went much deeper, he also has already finger pointed it going to the TOP in his own ranks, noting how quickly the state wanted to have a taskforce mandated to the case. The 'made in error' police log reports also heavily suggest foul play within theit own departments.
I love how the show has been peeling off layers of the story/case slowly and has been so heavy on character development of the two detectives. The storytelling, acting, cinematography is just top notch all around.