The Houston news media always stokes fear and frenzy into the hearts of the masses during these major rain events. After that 2005 Rita debacle, a large number of forecasting busts of various levels during the droughts in the early 2010s, and a couple of tropical storms and one Hurricane that actually hit closer to the city and did nothing but lightly dust it, they had to pull back on the hysterics. But after the Memorial Day floods of 2015 and the lesser 2016 Tax Day floods people are spooked about flooding. Now the local news is back on it's bullshyt. I remember even after Allison people weren't
about flooding. It floods a lot in Houston. No one feared storms/Hurricanes because of the flooding, it was always the wind. This shyt is recent and I think it's tied to social media. I've never seen people fear flooding like this before.
interesting. i was here for Memorial day flood and tax flood but none of the previous storms/major events.
i wonder if its Houston media or just a reflection of media overall now what with the innernets to make things
spicy. We had hurricanes and tropical storms plus the rare snow event in Va, but i dont remember mass hysteria
and Norfolk was actually below sea level and on the coast and we always always flooded too.