Unless it's RAW/SD or the name of a PLE it's a Live Event. WWE Live is just a generic tour name. Summer Tour, Holiday Tour, are just themed Live Event tours. A SuperShow are joint brand Live Events where both brands are on the same tour. I mean if you read it, they say "House Show" right there in the descriptions.
When they do run them it's usually SD/Speed on Fri., Live Events on Sat. & Sun., Raw/Main Event on Mon and NXT/LVL Up on Tuesday. Wed and Thurs are usually the days off.
I feel you on the "house show" part. I just meant that the tab you sent me to didn't have the search bar like the other one does. I think you sent me to Results which includes both house and TV Events. On the Events tab it let's you search, just not for "house show" like "raw" or "sd" since those are named that way. I was just looking for a way to eliminate the TV stuff from my search query.