Trina Explaining Why She's a "Catch"

Dameon Farrow

Jan 19, 2014
Its funny how ive noticed its always the women who say "i cook, clean, cater to my man" etc are always the ones who have no man or cant keep takes more than those basic things to keep a man around.
A lot of females act like that's all it takes. It's usually to cover for other problems.
Mar 23, 2013
:mindblown: So if you admit its the same old story and own up to it...why is it yall NEVER EVER LEARn and keep repeating the same mistakes? You think women would learn from millions of examples of society by now but its like you guys(dont get offended im not saying you yourself im talking your peers) just get hardheaded about it.

want to be men so much and live by that "when men have sex with women they are players but when girls have sex with men they are whores" motto way too much and try to WIN and beat us and get surprised when it never works out.

They say man i dont wanna think about that now ill think about it when i get older ill just have fun now...then when the time comes like Trina now they are why is it hard for you guys to stop doing this? its just strange!

On top of all this most men anit getting it in with the women they like to get it in with most guys are settling. I would go out on a limb and say only 25 percent of the country is alpha males. Women use that "men do it to" excuse to do what they want. Instead women should just go HOE and don't blame men for your hoeing. The average beautiful women has a lot more option than the average guy...cause it don't take work to get sex. With men it's a skill. It don't matter if women like that or not.

When women try to be men its actual sad cause it don't take work to get dikk. Women just have to be cute. Men have to have or be a list of things charming,handsome, funny, intellectual hard working, etc. Men have to have things about them externally for women to be attracted.

I would fukk a chic in a cardboard box if I didn't need a house :mjlol:


All Star
Apr 24, 2016
Trina still believes she is just as good and valuable as her 24 year old self, as if there was much value to begin with. It's hard to watch. She has issues that she refuses to address. She can't even get a simp w/all that baggage.

Look at her logic
"When you give a man everything they want, it makes them run away" :comeon:

I bet if somebody asks her what she thinks she is doing wrong, you'll hear crickets.

It's amazing to me how this post could basically be about someone like Kent

Kent thinks all women, even the dimepieces, should give him a chance just like they would for a tall, attractive breh. He has his own internal issues that he won't address.. He acts like all women intentionally run away from guys like him who would treat them nice, in favor of no-good thugs that mistreat them. And if you ask him what HE'S doing wrong, he wouldn't say anything other than how he's short and a loser

The thing is......damn near everyone in the huge Kent thread, males and females, agree that Kent is aiming too high and needs to try finding a woman in his league. There's hardly anyone seriously arguing against that in regards to Kent.

But when you try to say the same thing about an old "reformed" thot complaining about why she cant get a good suddenly becomes this taboo subject. All of a sudden the idea that an a woman may be aiming too high and going out of her league is offensive. People get passive-aggressive as hell and pretend that a 40 year old woman's options are the same as as a 20 year old's. We get people posting pics of 40 year old rich, plastic-surgeried female celebs with younger men, and act like that's the norm.....we get DENIAL


Sep 10, 2015
Dallas, Texas but living in Houston, Texas
Yes, I would. Just like how male rappers, rap about trapping and killing niccas when they don't and never have. You have to carter to your audience. People who like Trina, like that ratchet hoodrat talk. :yeshrug:
You put that kind of energy out there that's to be expected. Difference between rappers and actors is actors you know they're playing a role. With rap the rappers are rapping about their lifestyle or lifestyle from people from their neighborhood. Everyone knows Tom Cruise isn't some secret agent, he just plays one in the Mission: Impossible movies. Rappers portray themselves as a thug, playa, baller, etc. even though we know for the most part that it's not true. Part of their appeal is that they are "real." When they get in trouble with the law, get confronted by some real street folks, or get called out by politicians, etc they want to cry "it's only entertainment."

Trina made a career for nearly 20 years of portraying herself as the "baddest bytch," a freak, sex object, etc so she now when tries to show that's not her she'll be met with skepticism.