Totally agree breh. I also like that it took place during nightimeCollateral is the better flick but Denzel's performance is the best from either movie. Fuqua wasn't seeing Michael Mann yet. If they made these two movies now, that shyt would probably be the inverse but Collateral is Michael Mann bringing everything together. Training Day is dope but for me, it's one really really really great performance that holds everything together and makes it work. Collateral is everything working, from Tom to Jamie to the music to the look, the feel, the whole 9.
no it's not.Collateral is the better flick
Yeah it is and I stated every reason whyno it's not.
BingoWithout denzel training day wouldnt be a classic
Collateral is the whole package
I almost made a post comparing Training Day to ScarfaceWithout denzel training day wouldnt be a classic
Collateral is the whole package
Nope. Movie is mediocre and that's why nobody talks about it aside from 3 people on this board.Yeah it is and I stated every reason why