Tonight I'm going to propose to my babymoms


Nov 19, 2013
The reason this came about is because last week my wife and babymoms got into it about who’s house this was, like they both literally started fighting over who ran the house, my wife kept screaming “I’m his wife and this is my house and you will respect that” and my babymoms shot back with “Just because I aint got a ring don’t mean im not wifey” and when she said that it turned into an even bigger fight, I had enough and came out the bedroom to squash the whole thing..told both of em that this house don’t belong to either of yall because don’t none of yall pay mortgage, this MY house, I made them separate and chill out.. That night I came up with the idea that maybe I should give my babymoms a ring and do a mock wedding, not real but just something where she feels apart of the family and not just a babymama so I asked my wife if she would be ok with me getting my babymoms a ring just so she can feel like she’s apart of this. Wifey wasn’t having it and we got into another fight.

The next day I just kept stressing “she wont really be my wife, she’ll just have a ring from me that symbolizes my commitment to her and this family”…by the end of the day my wife warmed up to the idea and gave me the ok but she only said ok because she got sick of hearing my mouth. So I bought my babymoms an $899.00 1 carat ring and am going to “propose” to her with it tonight because today is her bd. Polygamy is illegal where I live so all she’s getting is a ring but I think this will level things out in the long run, wish a nikka luck tonight!! Not like she gone say no tho, she gone take this shyt and stfu.



SAD LIFE! :smh: