Tomorrow, The Scandal Breaks: WWE Will Sever All Ties with Hulk Hogan

Tanahashi Coates

Apr 14, 2015
:camby: all you fakkit ass nikkas that watch wwe and shyt fukking cacs



#grizzlies #titans
May 1, 2012
What did Warrior say?

He would walk back these comments somewhat, saying his intention was to point out that humans would go extinct if everyone were gay, but the new, right-wing Warrior couldn't stop talking. There was his remarkable reaction to Hurricane Katrina, in which he declared that the destruction of New Orleans was no big loss:

If we could be shown what general conditions they lived in before the hurricane, we would see that had little respect for what they did have. We would see just how unorganized, unclean and dysfunctionally they lived. They never gave a care for order, cleanliness or function before, but now that they can get someone's attention who will possibly take over the responsibility of their life for them, they go on these tirades about how their life has been ruined. Their lives were already in ruin — self ruin. Ruined by the bad choices they made over and over.


And they are fat. Have you ever seen so many fat people? Poverty? Poverty of what? Having enough to buy so much food to eat that you become obese — this is poverty? Only one TV? This is poverty? A house with a roof over your head? This is Poverty? Indoor plumbing? Electric appliances? Refrigeration? Phones? Cell phones? Computers? Designer clothes made by rap stars? $200 Nikes? Free medicine and medical care if you really need it? Is having all this poverty? What the hell, then, do we call the scenes they shoot out of Africa that they use to lay guilt trips down on all of us?

He then came very close to declaring that the hurricane was a good thing:

They claim New Orleans was (is) a great city. Maybe once it was, I don't know. Too, maybe it's just always been corrupt as it has been for years and years. Truth is, today, it was nothing more than a pornographic cesspool of decadence and depravity. You know, an East Coast version of that Las Vegas take on vacation time — "what you do there stays there." You go there, drink and drink and drink and behave like a pervert, reprobate and degenerate, take a huge dose of antibiotics and a nice extra long shower before you hop on the plane back home, and, "Hey, who knows any better?" You go back to the church, PTA, and local council and "squarely" fit right back in. One thing is for sure, IF New Orleans ever was a great city, it certainly was not because it had leaders and citizenry like the leaders and citizenry it has today.

In 2007, he complained that George Washington doesn't have his own devoted national holiday, but Martin Luther King Jr. does:

Martin Luther King can have his own self-titled birthday recognized as a National Holiday, but not our country's First President? Should I go on? Should I have to? Do I want to? Will I? You bet your ass I will.

Let's see if I understand this correctly. Or should I say, let's see if I can get to anywhere near a "correct understanding" of this piece of nonsense by, first, understanding it sensically using political-incorrectness?

Martin marched a few times from Selma, AL to Montgomery, AL. It's only about 40 miles and he walked along paved roads with security escorts and modern comforts and conveniences. He wrote a few jailhouse letters, plagiarized a great many speeches, and played up his last name "King" as if he was ONE. He led his best rally amid the monuments of Washington, DC. He preached proper, righteous behavior while he at the same time committed adultery many publicly verifiable times — oh, and he had "a dream."


Hollywood North
May 6, 2012
Seriously though, how are they gonna get around promoting WWE history by Krispin Wahn'in Terrence?

The Benoit like memes about Hogan are gonna be :mjlol:

Damn shame how the WWF had no champion for like 4 years until Savage won it in a tournament at Wrestlemania IV

Remember when Andre flipped himself over in front 93,000 and jobbed to himself? Guess Savage-Steamboat was what sold out the dome!:youngsabo:

Remember when Savage just had his hand trembling in the middle of a ring on Saturday Night Main Event:whew:

Warrior won the both IC and WWF World title from himself :krs:

Remember how Nash and Hall invaded and took out Savage and Sting and them an X-Pac were the most dangerous people in WCW:sas1:

Yo I dont understand why Hickenbottom was flipping around and bouncing in the middle of an empty ring at Summerslam 2005:bryan:

This gon force Cokeboy to acknowledge Randy more

Or he'll spend more time putting over the attitude era....until the internet and the media points out how problematic it was with the misogyny and he'll be forced to Erase his son in law for the DX blackface skit :whoo:

Damn Vince gon be like "Sports Entertainment started with Cena. The End" :sas1::heh:

Billy Ocean

Divine Universal Black Man Representin'
May 9, 2012
He would walk back these comments somewhat, saying his intention was to point out that humans would go extinct if everyone were gay, but the new, right-wing Warrior couldn't stop talking. There was his remarkable reaction to Hurricane Katrina, in which he declared that the destruction of New Orleans was no big loss:

If we could be shown what general conditions they lived in before the hurricane, we would see that had little respect for what they did have. We would see just how unorganized, unclean and dysfunctionally they lived. They never gave a care for order, cleanliness or function before, but now that they can get someone's attention who will possibly take over the responsibility of their life for them, they go on these tirades about how their life has been ruined. Their lives were already in ruin — self ruin. Ruined by the bad choices they made over and over.


And they are fat. Have you ever seen so many fat people? Poverty? Poverty of what? Having enough to buy so much food to eat that you become obese — this is poverty? Only one TV? This is poverty? A house with a roof over your head? This is Poverty? Indoor plumbing? Electric appliances? Refrigeration? Phones? Cell phones? Computers? Designer clothes made by rap stars? $200 Nikes? Free medicine and medical care if you really need it? Is having all this poverty? What the hell, then, do we call the scenes they shoot out of Africa that they use to lay guilt trips down on all of us?

He then came very close to declaring that the hurricane was a good thing:

They claim New Orleans was (is) a great city. Maybe once it was, I don't know. Too, maybe it's just always been corrupt as it has been for years and years. Truth is, today, it was nothing more than a pornographic cesspool of decadence and depravity. You know, an East Coast version of that Las Vegas take on vacation time — "what you do there stays there." You go there, drink and drink and drink and behave like a pervert, reprobate and degenerate, take a huge dose of antibiotics and a nice extra long shower before you hop on the plane back home, and, "Hey, who knows any better?" You go back to the church, PTA, and local council and "squarely" fit right back in. One thing is for sure, IF New Orleans ever was a great city, it certainly was not because it had leaders and citizenry like the leaders and citizenry it has today.

In 2007, he complained that George Washington doesn't have his own devoted national holiday, but Martin Luther King Jr. does:

Martin Luther King can have his own self-titled birthday recognized as a National Holiday, but not our country's First President? Should I go on? Should I have to? Do I want to? Will I? You bet your ass I will.

Let's see if I understand this correctly. Or should I say, let's see if I can get to anywhere near a "correct understanding" of this piece of nonsense by, first, understanding it sensically using political-incorrectness?

Martin marched a few times from Selma, AL to Montgomery, AL. It's only about 40 miles and he walked along paved roads with security escorts and modern comforts and conveniences. He wrote a few jailhouse letters, plagiarized a great many speeches, and played up his last name "King" as if he was ONE. He led his best rally amid the monuments of Washington, DC. He preached proper, righteous behavior while he at the same time committed adultery many publicly verifiable times — oh, and he had "a dream."
