Seriously though, how are they gonna get around promoting WWE history by Krispin Wahn'in Terrence?
The Benoit like memes about Hogan are gonna be
Damn shame how the WWF had no champion for like 4 years until Savage won it in a tournament at Wrestlemania IV
Remember when Andre flipped himself over in front 93,000 and jobbed to himself? Guess Savage-Steamboat was what sold out the dome!
Remember when Savage just had his hand trembling in the middle of a ring on Saturday Night Main Event
Warrior won the both IC and WWF World title from himself
Remember how Nash and Hall invaded and took out Savage and Sting and them an X-Pac were the most dangerous people in WCW
Yo I dont understand why Hickenbottom was flipping around and bouncing in the middle of an empty ring at Summerslam 2005
This gon force Cokeboy to acknowledge Randy more
Or he'll spend more time putting over the attitude era....until the internet and the media points out how problematic it was with the misogyny and he'll be forced to Erase his son in law for the DX blackface skit
Damn Vince gon be like "Sports Entertainment started with Cena. The End"