And its become so ingrained in your psyche through indoctrination from youth that yall cant even concede that it's even possible for us to be the center of our reality
To the point where yall dont even question how the constellations have remained relatively the same for MILLENIA, yet were supposed to be moving through space at a million mph
If you grew up without the programming of public education, you would ASSUME that the earth is flat and unmoving, because your SENSES(which dont steer you wrong in ANY other situation) would tell you this
If the truth is supposed to be the truth, why do they go out of the way to educate you on something that supposedly ISNT true, and then slander that thing?
Its equivalent to white people constantly saying black people are trash and lazy, yet those same white people have actively sabotage black people many times. If we're trash then why are you even concerned with us?
If the earth for sure is a spheroid spinning through nothing, why even teach about and then discredit flat earth to young kids?
So you don't like teching people history?