My problem with all of this is that people size themselves up based on false realities.
I’ve seen pictures of average chicks straight ROASTED online. You’d think they were the ugliest bytches in the universe. I’ve seen pics of dudes who look just fine getting TRASHED.
So the takeaway is that average people aren’t good enough. Which is stupid. But that’s what happens when u have a society plugged into social media.
There’s legit shyt u miss in human interaction with ACTUAL human beings that can’t be quantified on a 1-10 scale when it comes to somebody’s pictures online.
Personally, I think internet access, media and entertainment tv should be banned for a year and people should be forced to interact with the opposite sex.
None of this shyt would even be an issue. People just acting up b:c the internet shows them what they think should be accessible to them.
i got off that shyt cause I kept seeing the same hoes, but I would post up only travel pics (Me at infinity pools, lagoons, Underwater caves, etc) & eat.
They would look at my photos like they saw gold.
I don't think that the average Black cat realizes that pictures of you chilling overseas or doing some fly shyt matters way more than you taking a picture with your shirt off or beside a fly car.
thing about it is probably saw that response in a thread where dudes were complaining about females ignoring them. If females don't necessarily find you attractive(or if the women you are seeking don't find you so) yeah your ass will need to do something else to stand out. IE a mouthpiece.The Coli told me it was about having a mouth piece![]()
Real talk.
A lot of us gotta do different shyt, while Connor & Chad can just be regular.
Game for Black men is wayyy different than cacs.
If I had to wager as to why some women are extra when it comes to rejecting advances (if they ain’t lying), it’s because like another poster mentioned, there is the very real threat oftentimes attached to it. Aside from a lot of chicks literally being touched in the head and craving attention to the extent that they will create a rape scenario in their heads out of a dude simply opening a damn door for themi like you as a poster and you actually give good insight and logic into the female perspective.
i cannot speak for other dudes, but any ugly chick gettin at me has still always got respect from me (especially as long as they weren't all physically invading my personal space...even then i never disrespect like that). I still smile and say, "no thank you", etc. and am still nice and casual with them because i see them as a human being still, albeit not an attractive one. The thing is, guys have been rejected plenty of times, so we know how it feels and i'd argue we have more empathy in that respect to not make others feel like that, so we aren't as savage when it comes to rejecting girls. Never once in my life have i seen a male reject a female by telling themor
, it was usually always an avoidant and polite way of letting them down easily. And STILL, most men would be FLATTERED that even an ugly woman would approach them because men usually don't even get approached like that the same way that we have to approach females. Women on the other hand will happily get an ego rise out of giving you the
face if you aren't attractive to her.
women on the other hand will disrespect you and call you a "Creep", castrate them socially, even file lawsuits against non-attractive men and literally ruin their lives for approaching them. it's straight up NOT THE SAME consequences for being unattractive as a male compared to a female. (yes, i know there is more to attractiveness than physical traits, but the consequences still are worse for men socially and legally for being non-attractive).
Agree with the post. I'll add this..AMS spoke on confidence and basically he said confidence comes from past success. If you're really good at maths and you score high in all the homework assignments...when it's time for the test you'll be confident because you know that you normally do well. Same thing with chicks. "Confident" men are confident because these are usually attractive men that have been successful with women all their life from the time they were young. They're used to getting the girls and women liking them back so they're naturally confident in that area. You can't tell a 300lb guy who has never kissed a girl and has been rejected his whole life to be confident. He may try to imitate the traits of the attractive guy that he sees on the outside but it won't be real.It's a different world today than it was in the past. A lot of nikkas over 30 dont understand how much online dating has changed the game.
Womens expectations now are higher than ever. It used to be "he comes from a good family, hes got good manners and is a generous person." That used to be enough. Now its "how tall is he? Is he flabby and sick looking? Is he making more money than me? Is he the type of dude other women would want?"
My online dating prospects changed drastically because I put on some muscle and found a better barbershop. I wish things werent that way and women will actually choose based on reading your profile but facts are facts. A well balanced personality and humor are bonuses, not requirements now to spark attraction.
Girls I would've never thought would be freaks ready to bust it open for me barely knowing me because I wear a t shirt on the third date. shyt is wild and it is what it is. Confidence is a part of it, but people always fail to mention that confidence comes from something.
Putting in time in the gym? Confidence
Grind real hard and starting a business? Confidence
Telling nigas to be confident if they're not working towards anything is like telling someone who is losing a fight "hey just hit him and whoop his ass" they ain't trying to hear that.
yes i know that women get raped, but women don't have to worry about getting raped in public just because an unattractive dude hollers at themIf I had to wager as to why some women are extra when it comes to rejecting advances (if they ain’t lying), it’s because like another poster mentioned, there is the very real threat oftentimes attached to it. Aside from a lot of chicks literally being touched in the head and craving attention to the extent that they will create a rape scenario in their heads out of a dude simply opening a damn door for them![]()
,there are some legitimate male/female dynamics to contend with.
Even if an ugly chick got outta pocket with you, 9/10 you don’t have to fear her taking it. But that’s a real dynamic a lot of women deal with their entire lives. Starting at YOUNG ages. So a lot of chicks stay on edge with that stuff.
I definitely know not every dude who gets at every female is trying to rape them or be creepy but a lot of dudes ARE. And a lot of guys don’t understand that if she not attracted to u, that sexual energy ain’t welcome.
But what frustrates me about this phenomenon is basic lack of respect for a woman’s desires. If a chick ain’t feeling you, there’s nothing she can do about it. I suspect a lot of dudes don’t care about these women want, even tho they want these women to care about them. They just want the women they desire to suck it up and fukk them. Thats particularly the case for this incel shyt.
That’s a crazy concept to me b:c if u tell a dude to choose a nice chick even if she can’t get his dikk hard for her, they’d look at you like u were insane.
I don’t care if she’s nice and kind and sweet and considerate and rich. If she disgusts you physically or ur dikk literally says, that’s it.
We understand that with men. But ridiculously enough, we don’t wanna acknowledge the same thing with women. And I know women play a role in maintaining this shyt too so it isn’t just men’s fault b/c women be faking like crazy.
But I guess my issue is that some dudes feel entitled to their preferences while resenting women for their preferences. Socially, I just think a lotta people aren’t used to women having autonomy and choice in who they get with b/c as a species, I’d argue it’s actually a newer concept, as in the past females didn’t have a say in who they got with.
That’s just my thots on this stuff. But I’ve always been curious when I hear dudes say stuff like this. Good talking to ya’ll tho.
If I had to wager as to why some women are extra when it comes to rejecting advances (if they ain’t lying), it’s because like another poster mentioned, there is the very real threat oftentimes attached to it. Aside from a lot of chicks literally being touched in the head and craving attention to the extent that they will create a rape scenario in their heads out of a dude simply opening a damn door for them![]()
,there are some legitimate male/female dynamics to contend with.
Even if an ugly chick got outta pocket with you, 9/10 you don’t have to fear her taking it. But that’s a real dynamic a lot of women deal with their entire lives. Starting at YOUNG ages. So a lot of chicks stay on edge with that stuff.
I definitely know not every dude who gets at every female is trying to rape them or be creepy but a lot of dudes ARE. And a lot of guys don’t understand that if she not attracted to u, that sexual energy ain’t welcome.
But what frustrates me about this phenomenon is basic lack of respect for a woman’s desires. If a chick ain’t feeling you, there’s nothing she can do about it. I suspect a lot of dudes don’t care about these women want, even tho they want these women to care about them. They just want the women they desire to suck it up and fukk them. Thats particularly the case for this incel shyt.
That’s a crazy concept to me b:c if u tell a dude to choose a nice chick even if she can’t get his dikk hard for her, they’d look at you like u were insane.
I don’t care if she’s nice and kind and sweet and considerate and rich. If she disgusts you physically or ur dikk literally says, that’s it.
We understand that with men. But ridiculously enough, we don’t wanna acknowledge the same thing with women. And I know women play a role in maintaining this shyt too so it isn’t just men’s fault b/c women be faking like crazy.
But I guess my issue is that some dudes feel entitled to their preferences while resenting women for their preferences. Socially, I just think a lotta people aren’t used to women having autonomy and choice in who they get with b/c as a species, I’d argue it’s actually a newer concept, as in the past females didn’t have a say in who they got with.
That’s just my thots on this stuff. But I’ve always been curious when I hear dudes say stuff like this. Good talking to ya’ll tho.
yes i know that women get raped, but women don't have to worry about getting raped in public just because an unattractive dude hollers at themcome on now. I understand if those dynamics are present in certain circumstances, but there is no need to legitimately worry about rape just because a dude is shootin his shot when there is a GANG OF PEOPLE around.
secondly, you hear stories ALL THE TIME about women playing hard to get and liking the dude, or playing hard to get and just wasting a dudes time when they DON'T like them, or women genuinely not liking a dude after the first shot, but "his persistence" or some shyt made her "fall for him". you have any fukkin idea how confusing those mixed signals are ?combine that with the fact that we have to approach women in the first place and we are BOUND to misstep a GANG of times, but we as men are just supposed to "know" when to stop, or when to go, or when we're not being persistent enough, or TOO persistent, you genuinely don't even understand what this game is like for a dude. Half yall women be oscillating on how yall feel about someone in any given moment anyway, but we're supposed to know how yall feel and act accordingly? most dudes are not born with that innate concept of how to read women and the whole book of game and WILL fumble on their way, maybe even catch a few lawsuits if they fukk up hard enough because they were taught to "take what you what because women like that" (yes, this can be interpreted a million different ways
), but the point is, we're the ones that have MORE TO LOSE in the dating life in 2020.
Indeed. Nature craves genetic diversity within a species.Think about this.........the world would have ended thousands of years ago if both of these posts were actually reality.........
Lmao sac chicks been ready![]()