Everybody punches above their weight and calms down when reality hits them. So they either settle and chill out or lone wolf it.So when you couple that with women being more selective in general.
This sort of explains why invading armies raped the women of the lands they conquered. Army of sexually frustrated men on top of it.
Should men take??????
I dont think we should
Not at all
However men desire to procreate just as much as women and with the lack of large scale conflict to eliminate much of the male population.
How do you think this frustration will play out in the long term?
There are a lot of ugly chicks who are playing above their weight because us men will fukk just about anychick with a nice body or even just a phat ass or supple t*ts
Its our nature.
Women have to be real with themselves on who they see the long game with![]()
Physically, men have always been more selective than women have. Sure a man will fukk anything, but marry, be seen with in public?!
Nah, dudes be choosy as hell. A rich ugly chick has nothing she can leverage to attract a husband.
A rich ugly dude can at least leverage his money.
There’s plenty of gorgeous chicks choking on wrinkled ugly nuts. Far more than the reverse.
Even so, women may complain but they just play the game. Why do u think women get so obsessed with makeup/plastic surgery/beauty wizardry. It’s b/c they know how importance appearance is to men.
Average chicks and average dudes are both gassed. Dudes watch porn and IG and think they entitled to perfect looking women, not even recognizing the idea that the women they lusting over don’t even look like that when they take off the weave, lashes, make up, filters. So they addicted to a fantasy. Some dudes don’t even know what natural asses look like.
Women watch romance movies, smut literature, Real Housewives and think they entitled to a rich, fine, protector/provider, who is also in touch with his feelings, and just accepts her mediocre ass with her fupa and struggling edges.
What is going to happen is that average people who live in reality will pick other average people. They will get married and procreate.
The outliers living in fantasy land will self-destruct or die without reproducing. My only issue is when dudes think this is something unique to women. Because it’s not.
As far as rape and taking goes, this is why I encourage women to get armed and protect themselves. The day and age of women “taking one for the team” is over. A lot of women would rather die alone than be violated by somebody they don’t want.
I mean...can u blame them?