I would like someone to lay out two serious title strap storylines for Malenko or Saturn. Both great workers, but Malenko was void of charisma and mic skill, Saturn had some chops, but no real IT factor. I would say the lady chasing Malenko gimmick was more entertaining than him just being the lower card Iceman "worker". Same with Saturn, although I do acknowledge the Moppy shyt was burial, he was in dresses in WCW..
I mean, what ceiling did they really have. Topped out in WCW AND WWF. That's not just because of mismanagement... I sure didn't wanna see them with serious title runs back then. I mean in WCW they were pushing the most insane people, so you just think "aww man if only Saturn could get that shot". And then you see where they got chances at the beginning of the Radicalz to show what they could do in serious situations (regardless of who they took L's to, they were treated with seriousness at the beginning).
Eddie was the Ace and he went all the went to the top like he should have.