Co-sign. I do not think Tebow is a bad person, and he has that "golly g whiz god is good" attitude, but i also do not believe he is naive enough to be oblivious to all of the "breaks" he is gotten to even make it to the NFL.
1. His mechanics are trash...dude throws a football like a damn windup a little kid is turning a crank in his back as his arm goes lower, lower , lower, then that shyt comes out all heavy handed like a damn shot-put
2. I've never once seen this dude read a defense...has Tebow every called an audible in his life...Has he ever ran a pass play hat had more than three routes to it...and lord jesus the routes

1 guy going deep, 1 guy going short, running back swinging out of the backfield...somehow Vince wonderlic score was all the rage his rookie season, meanwhile plays called for Tebow come straigh off a damn etch-a-scretch...
3. Any team that takes him, and is somehow dumb enough to let him be a starting quarterback, they have to completely change their offense to suit him...completely change their blocking scheme...completely change their playbook...receives are gonna be glorified linemen...
Dude is an idiot who can't throw a football worth a damn and can't read defenses...which are the two most key components to being a quarterback...yet somehow the media is always clamoring for someone to give him a at ESPN saying he is going to Jacksonville, and then the Jacksonville GM being like "since when