I don't get the "believe" angle when Adam Schefler said he spoke directly to Tebow who said he asked out of the wildcat and later changed his mind.
Did Schefler lie?
Did Mike Devito lie?
I don't get the "believe" angle when Adam Schefler said he spoke directly to Tebow who said he asked out of the wildcat and later changed his mind.
Did Schefler lie?
Did Mike Devito lie?
Schefter never said that Tebow told him he asked out of the wildcat...he said he spoke with Tebow and Tebow expressed his frustration with his role to Rex and then spoke with Rex on Friday to iron out their differences and told him he would be willing to do whatever for the team.so you think Adam Schefter is lying about his talk with Tebow?
why couldnt that disagreement been on Tebow asking out of the wildcat?
About what?
He was on w Joe and Evan last week and basically said there wasn't a chance in hell Tebow did that.
Schefter never said that Tebow told him he asked out of the wildcat...he said he spoke with Tebow and Tebow expressed his frustration with his role to Rex and then spoke with Rex on Friday to iron out their differences and told him he would be willing to do whatever for the team.
The disagreement could have been about Tebow asking out...its a possibility, but I dont think its likely.