The Amerikkkan Idol
The Amerikkkan Nightmare
Where an group of people meet up to masturbate to something. It's self explanatory.

Where an group of people meet up to masturbate to something. It's self explanatory.
Where an group of people meet up to masturbate to something. It's self explanatory.
Where an group of people meet up to masturbate to something. It's self explanatory.
We need a weirdo neck beards thread
We need a weirdo neck beards thread
She likes the can compliment her a million times but acting wild and criticizing? Now she has time to speak..lolWhy respond to that guy? I don't get what she's trying to accomplish
Why and how does he know where she lives? Lol
I said how...everyone is willing. Pedos drive 7 hrs to try to fukk a 14 yr old girl who they think is home alone before Chris Hansen and the crew pop up in the kitchen with those real questions.You underestimating how far these weirdos are willing to go. If they can find out what time the plane their favorite wrestler is on lands and what hotel they’re staying at, what makes you think they won’t find out their home address in order to be closer with their “wives” or “husbands”. Sonya’s stalker did it