
Fast Money & Foreign Objects
May 21, 2012
You got some numbers that show how many people who dont have health insurance that are going to the hospital so much that it is leading to closures and those same people arent here illegally?

It even happens in places without illegals, live in your bubble though. Do you think the average American with or without insurance is going to pay for their care? Of course they aren't. Gloss over the rest as well. You've got it all figured out.


CACtain Planet

The Power is YOURS!
May 1, 2012
CACness Aberdeen
It even happens in places without illegals, live in your bubble though. Do you think the average American with or without insurance is going to pay for their care? Of course they aren't. Gloss over the rest as well. You've got it all figured out.


Of course it happens, but not as often as you think as it pertains to people who arent here illegally... definitely didnt warrant ObamaCare


Fast Money & Foreign Objects
May 21, 2012
Of course it happens, but not as often as you think as it pertains to people who arent here illegally... definitely didnt warrant ObamaCare

Have any evidence to back that up?

There's what 11-20 million illegals?

You're good at math right?

Whats the bigger number?

btw (The poverty line in 2010 for a family of four was $22,314.)

and this is glossing over the people "above" and "middle class" who would rather pay their mortgage etc

Will we continue to gloss over the effect of Baby Boomers as well?

Damn sure Medicaid isn't going to cover it.

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Mr Hate Coffee

Apr 30, 2012


Fast Money & Foreign Objects
May 21, 2012
US shutdown: Barack Obama warns of default danger

Obama: "Absolutely, I am exasperated because this is entirely unnecessary"

US President Barack Obama has warned that Wall Street should be concerned that a conservative faction of Republicans is willing to allow the country to default on its debt.

The US government has partially closed after Congress failed to agree a budget and will run out of cash on 17 October unless its debt ceiling is raised.

In a TV interview on Wednesday, Mr Obama said he was "exasperated".

John Boehner (Republican) and Nancy Pelosi (Democrat) both spoke after the talks

He later held talks with Congressional leaders that ended without agreement.

The US government closed non-essential operations on Tuesday after Congress failed to strike a deal on a new budget.

Republicans and Democrats are blaming each other for the impasse.

The shutdown has left more than 700,000 employees on unpaid leave and closed national parks, tourist sites, government websites, office buildings, and more.

However, as one budget crisis raged in Washington DC, another one - potentially more dangerous - loomed in the coming weeks.

On 17 October, the US government will run out of cash to pay its bills unless the debt ceiling is raised.

Continue reading the main story
“Start Quote
All the signs are that neither side is preparing to blink, quite yet. But while the president is staring hard and straight ahead, the Republicans' eyes are beginning to water, and they are glancing at the ground. ”

On both issues, the Republicans who control the House of Representatives have demanded concessions from Mr Obama and his fellow Democrats in return for funding the government's continued operation and for raising the debt ceiling.

Chiefly, the Republicans demand the repeal, delay or defunding of a healthcare reform law - dubbed Obamacare - passed by the Democrats in 2010.

Major portions of that law, which was subsequently validated by the US Supreme Court and was a major issue in the 2012 presidential election, took effect on Tuesday.

'Profound impact'
On Wednesday, Mr Obama met the heads of some of Wall Street's biggest banks - including JPMorgan Chase, Goldman Sachs and Bank of America - to discuss the debt ceiling and other economic issues.

James Clapper: "This seriously damages our ability to protect the safety and security of this nation"

The bankers are members of the Financial Services Forum, a lobby group which has, along with 250 other businesses, sent a letter to Congress urging it to raise the debt limit.

Following the meeting, Mr Obama told CNBC "it's important for them to recognise that this is going to have a profound impact on our economy and their bottom lines".

Mr Obama also said he was unwilling to negotiate "with the extremist wing of one party" as the 17 October deadline neared.

"The message I have for the [Congressional] leaders is, as soon as we get a clean piece of legislation that reopens the government... until we get that done, until we make sure that Congress allows [the Department of the Treasury] to pay for things that Congress itself already authorised, we are not going to engage in a series of negotiations," he said.

As foreign markets anxiously monitored the US budget crisis, European Central Bank chief Mario Draghi warned that a protracted shutdown was "a risk not only for the US, but also the world economy".

'Asking for fairness'
On Wednesday evening Mr Obama met Republican House Speaker John Boehner, as well as Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell, Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi at the White House.

Mr Boehner later left the talks complaining that the Democrats would not negotiate.

"All we're asking for here is a discussion and fairness for the American people under Obamacare,'' he told reporters.

Nancy Pelosi, however, accused the Republicans of "moving the goalposts" on the budget deal.

Harry Reid said Democrats were "locked in tight on Obamacare'' and neither the president nor Democrats in Congress would accept changes to the law as the price for a deal on reopening the government.


The view on the shutdown from deserted landmarks and government buildings in Washington and New York

Analysts say Mr Boehner could end the current government showdown by allowing the House to vote on a "clean" budget bill that does not alter the health law, because that could pass with a coalition of Democrats and moderate Republicans.

But doing so would risk his standing with the most conservative elements of his caucus.

Earlier on Wednesday, senior US intelligence officials warned the shutdown of the government seriously damaged the ability of spy agencies to protect the US.

Director of National Intelligence James Clapper told a Senate panel that an estimated 70% of intelligence workers had been placed on unpaid leave.

Also on Wednesday, the White House announced Mr Obama would cut short a planned four-nation tour of Asia next week.

He will attend regional summits in Indonesia and Brunei, but skip Malaysia and the Philippines due to the government shutdown.

The US government ceased operations deemed non-essential at midnight on Tuesday, when the previous budget expired.

National parks and Washington's Smithsonian museums are closed, pension and veterans' benefit cheques will be delayed, and visa and passport applications will go unprocessed.

However, members of the military will be paid.


  • Department of State will be able to operate for limited time
  • Department of Defense will continue military operations
  • Department of Education will still distribute $22bn (£13.6bn) to public schools, but staffing is expected to be severely hit
  • Department of Energy - 12,700 staff expected to be sent home, with 1,113 remaining to oversee nuclear arsenal
  • Department of Health and Human Services expected to send home more than half of staff
  • The Federal Reserve, Department of Homeland Security, and Department of Justice will see little or no disruption
  • US Postal Services continue as normal
  • Smithsonian institutions, museums, zoos and many national parks closed

Mr Hate Coffee

Apr 30, 2012
I'm not sure you really understand what's happening.

The republicans and their existence are at stake. This has nothing to do with the country.

If all the uninsured get healthcare (30 million of them) the party they will be voting for is not in question.

Obamacare unevens the political playing field. This shutdown will happen till the democrats fallback

That's their fault for branding it Obamacare to begin with. It will be a success and it will be Obama's legacy. The Republicans have no one to blame but themselves for this. It was originally their idea. They should have saw the future and branded it as their own

You can opt of driving...

How is it even a remotely close comparison?

:dwillhuh: This might be the dumbest shyt I've ever heard. Try working a job and opting out of driving in Atlanta, Houston, or many other cities with no dependable public transport

The GoP has nothing to lose. At this point it's in their best interest to not give in.


They have everything to lose. Everything they've been doing the past few years has been shortsighted and hasn't worked. But hey, that's what happens when you base your whole strategy on not letting an individual succeed versus countering him with your own, better ideas.


Oct 5, 2012
Fresno, CA.
What does that gain again?
Having nothing to lose, doesn't mean there is anything at all to gain...

But in this case, all the GoP has left is it's staunch conservative base and the tea party. They have to hold onto them at all cost or things are will begin to look truly grim...:merchant:


Oct 5, 2012
Fresno, CA.
:dwillhuh: This might be the dumbest shyt I've ever heard. Try working a job and opting out of driving in Atlanta, Houston, or many other cities with no dependable public transport
No amount of verbal virtuosity will change the fact that its a choice(hence why its a fact). You can dress it up as a bad choice, and unreasonable choice, impractical choice, retarded choice, etc. its still a choice... Obamacare isn't.
Your inability to see this clearly is stifling.

They have everything to lose. Everything they've been doing the past few years has been shortsighted and hasn't worked. But hey, that's what happens when you base your whole strategy on not letting an individual succeed versus countering him with your own, better ideas.
Completely crashing and rebuilding may be the best thing for them tbh.:yeshrug:

The Jesus loving, fiscally responsible patriots platform isn't cutting it anymore. You cant use limited government and freedom to combat a party that promises people free shyt. Its just doesn't work.
Especially when you are guilty of essentially the exact same thing in the form of corporatism and imperialism.:wow:

Exiled Martian

Was young I couldn't do good, now I can't do Bad
Sep 13, 2013
Swag-hili Shores
Sigh it looks like the start of bankrupt America has begun..... to top it off SKYNET IS COMING :lolbron:
Firstly the WHOLE concept of money is itself "make believe" though i.e It's just a game, where people pretend to make/spend/lend/borrow money that doesn't exist. The whole thing's an elaborate stage play (urge you to watch zeitgeist addendum documentary).......Money used to be chickens. I have a chicken, and I give it to you for a bag of flour. Then came a promissory note as a representation of chickens. It said I had a certain number of chickens that could be exchanged for flour. Now there are no chickens, and there is no flour. Everyone pretends it exists, and they pretend untenable loans will somehow, some day get paid back. Call it a Fiscal Religion at this point :yeshrug:

Now I been following this situation across the pond (pond as in the Atlantic for those inept of applying logic) with akin interest .....The way I see it....The Big boss (either the Republican or Democratic party) effectively chooses who can participate for office at the national (and mostly state levels) then you get to pick from their couple of options. Then you go to pick either the selected Republican or Democrat or the "I don't stand a chance in hell, but I'm ticked so I'm running" candidate. Pick the latter and you might as well have stayed home. So choose who the Bit Two say you can have. If it's an incumbent then OK. If it's not then the new guy was picked because he's part of the party machine so the new boss will pretty much be the same as the old. Damn...... now it may look and sound different, but when the Devil owns all souls there's not much to choose from brehs :demonic:

Voting is worthless. Sooner American's realize this and accept it the sooner this country will get back on track. When it comes to voting, it's pretty simple. VOTE WITH YOUR MONEY.

Big Boy Corps are the ones that pay politicians REAL money. Let's face it, we (Even in the UK or anywhere prominent really) don't pay them shyt.So where you go to shop/buy is who you are essentially supporting. Don't support the corps, and they won't have the power to influence the politicians to align their business plan. Now, how do you change our society so that they give up their malls/shopping sprees on beyond me as I'm not Politically well versed enough to form such anorexic opinions (no weight behind them) :yeshrug:

America really needs a big reset button and it will take MANY years of living "by world standards and struggle" for the country to get back on the right page.Lets face it NO American wants to sacrifice their comfort or convenience for the good of the country.You guys have lost your ability to truly choose A true government. BUT, if more citizens (note I didn't say people) were invested in the process, & actually paid attention, I do believe things would improve out there....the general public seems to be well divested from responsibility, from activism, from knowledge, and seem to have accepted mediocrity and the status quo as "the way things are." :manny:


Jun 22, 2012
Man this shutdown appears to go longer than expected
The future of the republican party is at stake here not the country
They have studied history....FDR and his party ruled for years.

Obamacare is a bad law but I laugh at people who say bad laws don't work.
They must be living in a different country :heh: