Agreed. I don't view them as holding me back at all which is why I've done the things I've done. I hear the defeatist attitude and always have a look on my face.
My mom moved here at 21 as an immigrant and currently works for a fortune 500 company. she has an accent and went to trade school (no college). her charisma and networking alone got her into a mid-tier position. I don't understand AAs sometimes. and Im an AA myself. Just different outlook since I was raised by an african.
nikkas give you a thousand reason why they can't get a corporate job before even applying for one.
To be honest, this is why I'm so sensitive when it comes to discussing the difference between Africans and AAs. We were raised differently, my dad drilled it into my head that this is a place for competition and I had to be better than "them" and my relatives always told me the stories of how they got here and truthfully we got remarkable relatives that gave us this chance to be here. Our family on this side been told all those negative things throughout the generations, I mean it's not that long ago black folk couldn't use the same bathroom as whites. To me, its our duty to not only help this people while we're here but also build the bridge back home should they decide to come.