I swear people love to get on the bandwagon LOL
"After Earth" is their first bad movie together and people are saying "they need to stop this annoying trend of starring with each other!" and "Will needs to stop pushing his kid to the spotlight!"
Like wtf Karate Kid wasnt bad and Pursuit of Happiness wasn't either, so where is this hate coming from?
i know this might me pulling the race card...but honestly i think it has to do with us living in the era of the OBAMA ADMINISTRATION.....
most of the mainstream media and white movie critics are shytting hard on Will Smith and co. simply because like Obamah....he's a clean cut, powerful , can't do no wrong n1gga, in which it makes most whites feel that thier has got to be something "SINISTER" or "FLAWED" about dude...
but they just can't figure it out....and so they shyt on anything he puts out..
also the fact that Will like obama seems to THEM to have an arrogance that says to them ...'Im the shyt..even without you crakkkkers cosigning me"
when that's not the case at all...Will is a humble cool guy
had this been prior to Obama or if Obama never got elected....Will's movie like his past movies wouldn't have been seen as something to villify
but nowadays ANYTYPE OF BLACK "EXCELLENCE" or "ACHIEVEMENT" is seen as something vile or "YALL TAKING OVER" as one underachieiving white coworker once said to me....
Even though Will has been a blockbuster draw for years now....
and instead of just enjoying the movie for the art.....
they can't help but see it as the movie with the RAPPING BLACK GUY and his SON playing the lead.....
sad...but true