Becky needs to turn.
Just follow Seth. Do their Steph/Hunter thing and get it the fukk over with.
The whole 'The Man' thing wasn't meant to have legs beyond WM. The arc got completed. She continued to saunter around doing her offbrand Conor impression not understanding that people can tell when you're faking being cool. We can see when you're counting the beats in your head for your swag-walk. People got behind Becky because she was barking shyt-talk that came off like someone used to being overlooked pumping herself up so she could face the daunting challenges ahead of herself. She was cutting self-targeted pep-talks as promos toward her opponents.
Once you slay the dragon, you ride off into the sunset. You don't make a coat out of the dragon's hide and spend the six months sitting in the tavern telling the same fukking story about slaying the dragon repeatedly, even when not asked.
It got stale, just like Seth and that Beast Slayer thing.
Cool. It happened. Get to the next arc or get me a new protagonist. Becky lived long enough to see herself become the Ronda, but continued to sit there acting like she was still Becky the underdog. Becky 2-Belts was the death knell of her story, and just from a literary standpoint, was the moment where she shifted from protagonist to antagonist, and was the moment the story should have pivoted to the new hotness coming up to dethrone the once kind-hearted warrior who got bloodied in battle, but eventually won and had nothing better to do than become what she fought against. It's literally Storytelling 101.
They held on to it. They wore it out. She postured and refused to be fazed by anything for too long, and she lost literally the singular thing that built her swell of support: the vulnerability of being someone who worked really hard and always came up short finally making good. Instead, she's out there no-selling other people's promos, always needing to get the last word in, and acting like she was too far beyond everyone she ran into. Even her losing one of those two titles was a schmozz that didn't even affect her.
That wasn't the person that got people behind her initially - someone who could just
shrug off losing a championship. Nah.
It all rang false and went on too long, and the turn on it was organic because all the gimmick going on too long did was basically remind people that the whole bravado was fake from the jump, and now she started believing the hype. She still thought she was the hero of the story. To quote Punk... She'd become the Yankees.
Literally the only way you salvage 'The Man' thing is have Becky turn. Otherwise, you gotta have Nia come back and fukk her up on some 'is this a shoot?!?' shyt to try and restore the feeling and run the only storyline they got left that might actually be able to save her. Otherwise, this is going 2014 Reigns territory before the year is out, because that end to SS was more of a heel move than anything she did when she was supposed to be heeling it up against Charlotte by a country mile.
Til then,

Mr. And Mrs.Seth Lynch.
Call Bianca up and give her that Paige/AJ Day-One title win, you cowards.
(Send Rhea's big ass to Smackdown. Tez on Raw, and if Charlotte gets to get Andrade drafted because he dating down to her level, they best not send Bianca anywhere but Raw)